Exposition and Benediction

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: We have been revising our worship aids for Exposition and Benediction according to the new edition of “Holy Communion and the Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery Outside of Mass” and noticed that the dialogue “You have given them bread from heaven…”, normally said immediately before the prayer preceding Benediction, has been omitted.  Should we stop using this dialogue or is it still an option? == A: You can find my previous posts on this here https://paulturner.org/?s=dialogue+exposition The reformed liturgical book (first known as Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharist Outside Mass) never included that dialogue, which did appear in the …

Eucharistic Exposition and Benediction

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: I’m struggling with how to use your precept, “Do what the rubric says; don’t do what it doesn’t say” as a guide for leading Eucharistic Exposition and Benediction, especially as the liturgy concludes. I don’t want to cause useless trouble.  If I applied “Reposition” as written in Rubric # 100, I would bless the people with the monstrance and conclude the liturgy immediately afterwards. I would not return to the front of the altar and lead the people in further devotions. Rubric #100 also suggests that the people could say an acclamation while they are being blessed with the …


In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: I know that the USCCB asked that the dialogue “You have given them bread from heaven / Having all sweetness within it” be included in the new HCWEMOM, but such permission was not given. At the same time, what is listed in that chapter of HCWEMOM is more outline than a strictly prescribed liturgy. So, by the omission, should we conclude that we OUGHT not include the dialogue, or MUST not include it? Likewise, HCWEMOM speaks of incorporating the MAJOR hours of the LOH into the period of adoration, and offers some guidance re: the final blessing. Is there …

Prayers after the Tantum Ergo

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Thank you for your continued wisdom and knowledge. I have a question regarding the prayers after the Tantum Ergo. We do a simple adoration in union with our Vespers on Sunday Night, as there is not always clergy present. We want to respect the fact that clergy is not present, but we would like to keep as much as we possibly can, is it permissible for a lay person to lead the people in the prayers “You have given them bread from heaven and the following prayer “Lord Jesus Christ, you gave the Eucharist as the memorial of your …