The following was added this week to “My Sacrifice and Yours” – a workshop for National Association of Pastoral Musicians, Scranton Chapter, on May 11. A blog post about reverencing the altar. The homily for the Memorial Mass for Lucas Turner. The homilies for Ascension Sunday in both English and Español: The scores for the Royals’ pre-game activities for the game on May 15:
Reverencing the altar
Q: At our parish, cantors and lectors bow to the altar on their way to the ambo, but not on their way back to their original places. It is felt that reverencing the altar twice is redundant. What would you say is correct? A: The Ceremonial of Bishops #72 says, “A deep bow is made to the altar by all who enter the sanctuary (chancel), leave it, or pass before the altar.” The way I read that, it would be preferable for the ministers to bow to the altar on entering and again on leaving the sanctuary.
Last week on the site
The following was added this week to The scores for the Royals’ pre-game activities for the game on April 30: The homilies for the Fifth Sunday of Easter in both English and Español – text and audio: A workshop given for Deacon aspirants at Conception Abby:
Wedding Question
Q: A Catholic bride and Methodist Groom are seeking marriage. The priest has denied allowing them to be married within the Mass and has assigned a Deacon to perform the rite outside of Mass. They have requested a priest and a Mass, as both parties have large numbers of Catholics in their families. Is it permissible for the priest to deny them the celebration of a Mass and ask a Deacon to fill in instead? They feel that since they both aren’t Catholic, that the priest is “ducking out” of his responsibilities to witness a sacramental marriage. Any help is …
Last Week on the Site
The following was added this week to The scores and explanation for Royals’ pre-game activities for the game on April 20: The homilies for the Fourth Sunday of Easter in both English and Español – text and audio: A workshop given for the Chicago Diocese Peace and Justice Office at Dominican University:
This Week on the Site
The following was added this week to The scores and explanation for Royals’ pre-game activities: The homily for the Third Sunday of Easter: A workshop given for Deacons:
Women and Feet Washing
Q: Is it a rule that women are banned from having their feet washed at the Holy Thursday service? And if so, since when? A: The Roman Missal says that males may have their feet washed. It has said the same thing ever since the missal was revised after the Second Vatican Council. Many parishes allow women to have their feet washed at the Mass of the Lord’s Supper out of a spirit of service. I treated this in more detail in two of my books: “In These or Similar Words” and “Glory in the Cross”.
The Emmaus Story
Q: Do you know the history of the Emmaus story in the lectionary? Would it have been read during the dies in albis in the early church as it is now? A: We don’t have enough information about the use of the Emmaus story early on. It did not play a role in the preconciliar lectionary, from what I can see. And the early mystagogical catecheses (which predate the earliest “lectionary”) do not imply that the Emmaus story was proclaimed that week. But who knows? The story appears twice in today’s Easter lectionary – once as an option for the …
Covering crosses on Palm Sunday
Q: The rubrics for the 5th Sunday of Lent provide the option of veiling crosses and statues. The crosses are unveiled on Good Friday and the images unveiled before the Vigil. If a parish chooses to cover crosses, how does this take into consideration the rubric for Palm Sunday that states the processional cross should be decorated? A: There is no clear answer to this from the rubrics, so one has to use one’s judgment. The veiling of crosses and statues is optional, even if the conference of bishops permits it. (The US Conference does.) It would also be …
Scrutinies explained
Q: I’m writing to ask you a favor on behalf of a student of mine in the seminary. He’s trying to write a paper for his Sacraments of Initiation class on exorcisms and the scrutinies and asked me where he might find them explained in a more detail. Would you have any suggested resources that this student might check out? Perhaps something of your own writing? Any thoughts you may have, Paul, would be greatly appreciated. A: I’ve treated scrutinies in my book Celebrating Initiation: A Guide for Priests. I have a historical overview of all the rites in The …