Q: You have addressed the posture of a deacon at Mass when it comes to kneeling and standing in a few posts. I have three questions.
ONE: In this post (https://paulturner.org/additional-deacons-at-mass/) , you wrote:
“When the Ceremonial of Bishops speaks of additional deacons, it says that “they should divide the ministries accordingly” (26). I take this to mean that when the number is more than can logically be divided, they take the postures of other deacons…. [W]hen the deacons kneel for the consecration, it would be fitting for other vested deacons to do the same.”
Am I correct to think that you did not also mean that when the deacons (in the sanctuary) stand, it would be fitting for other vested deacons to do the same? I ask this because in this post (https://paulturner.org/deacon-postures/), you wrote:
“Personally, I think it’s better for deacons in pews away from the sanctuary to assume the postures of the rest of the assembly. GIRM 43 refers to what postures “the faithful” should take. Extra deacons are more like members of the faithful than ministers of the mass.”
TWO: What about deacons who are sitting in the pews but who will be assisting with the distribution of Holy Communion (and, thus, will be be performing a liturgical action): would they follow the deacons in the sanctuary or would they follow the assembly?
THREE: Same question for a deacon who is acting as MC: would he follow the deacons in the sanctuary or would he follow the assembly?
Thank you very much. There is so much that I do not know, and I appreciate your assistance in helping me to grow well.
A: What makes these questions hard to answer is that in the typical edition of the liturgical books such as the missal and the Ceremonial, there is no difference between the posture of the deacon and the posture of the people in the eucharistic prayer. It’s only in the United States that the people are asked to kneel longer than deacons do (GIRM 43).
So, I think this may be handled best case by case by applying other principles, such as ensuring that the people see the actions taking place in the sanctuary. If standing deacons block the view of the faithful, the deacons may more fittingly kneel when the faithful do. But, as deacons, those in pews, those serving as communion ministers, and those serving as MC may observe the posture of deacons in the sanctuary. No rubric forbids them from this.