Q: My question deals with two (relatively common – I believe) practices viz. weekend preaching.
One is that each presider at Mass normally gives the homily at that liturgy.
The other is that a designated individual will preach at all the Masses on a given weekend…sometimes ministering at the Mass, or even “popping out” for just his homily. He might or might not proclaim the Gospel of the day as well…(that’s another questionable point!).
Does the GIRM or other liturgical docs address these practices/customs?
What’s your take?
As always, much obliged!
A: There is no provision for someone doing a pop-in homily, even though, as you correctly point out, it happens.
Best is that the preacher vests and concelebrates. The homily is integral to the liturgy.
If there is a deacon serving at the Mass, he proclaims the gospel, even if a concelebrating priest preaches. A pop-in proclaimer of the gospel has no foundation in the liturgical books.