Sullivan Conference 2010:
"The Mass as Cathechesis" :
Diocese of Richmond, VA
DVD#1: Gather as One Body (ppt slides
DVD#2: Proclaim the Living Word (ppt 6-21)
DVD#3: Proclaim the Living Bread (ppt 22-32)
DVD#4: Go Forth to Love and Serve (ppt 33-40)
CD#1: Fr.Turner vito and Powerpoint (ppt 1-40)
PDF slides 1-40 (3 slides/page) print at Parish
PDF slides 1-40 (6 slides/page) print at Parish ORDER FORM
[$15/set of 4 DVDs + 1 CD includes shipping] .
Dame Website .
Four files titled below may be
selected from the above website in wmv and/or pdf formats.
"Biblical Influences on the Revised Translation"
"And With Your Spirit"
"For You and for Many"
"Eucharistic Prayer IV"