Adoration outside

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  May the minister in this case consume the host after eucharistic adoration?


A:  I’m looking at the Vatican’s “Eucharistic Worship Outside Mass”, and I don’t see a provision for the ceremony you are describing.

If I heard correctly, you have a group who want to take the Blessed Sacrament in a pyx from a tabernacle, into a car, drive an hour, and then set up the pyx for adoration outdoors by a lake for several hours of the night. You asked what to do with the host at the conclusion of the service – may the minister consume it?

The liturgy envisions two different scenarios: One in which exposition of the Blessed Sacrament takes place inside the church, where the host is taken from a tabernacle and replaced there after adoration (93-100). The other is a eucharistic procession, in which the eucharist is carried solemnly through streets, where one or more altars are established for prayer, and then concluded with the re-position of the Blessed Sacrament (101-108).

When bringing communion to the sick, the minister carries the host in a pyx in the car directly to the place of the sick person. After entering and beginning the introductory rites, “The minister then places the blessed sacrament on the table and all join in adoration” (PCS 81) But then the ceremony continues with the penitential act, readings, and communion rite. What you’re describing does not include a sick person, but I guess you could argue that consumption of the host after a period of adoration is permitted in a related case.

If plans are already laid, I guess you should go forward with them. But the ceremony you are describing does not represent the intent of adoration. I hope the group would reconsider this in the future.