| “Renewed interest in the Christian initiation of adults seems to grow every year. Donna Eschenauer provides a reliable, easy-to-read guide for both novice and experienced coordinators of initiation ministry. Whether you need a step-by-step process to get your feet on the ground or deeper insights to make your ministry soar, this book has something for you. Eschenauer plainly describes the liturgical rites, the formation of adults, and even canonical issues. She flavors her work with real-life stories, basing her professional research on practical experience. Need a guide for your ministry? Here it is.”
-- Fr. Paul Turner, pastor of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Kansas City MO, author of "Sacred Times."
 | "Unbaptized adults often share their catechesis and ritual plan with people baptized in other Christian denominations East and West. Some initiation ministers naively fail to distinguish these groups. This book provides a comprehensive history of these practices and of their assumptions. Readers will appreciate anew the subtle yet important distinctions among those who seek reception into the full communion of the Catholic Church."
-- Fr. Paul Turner, pastor of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Kansas City MO, author of "Sacred Times."
 | "Noting the Lectionary’s omission of large portions of the Bible, Mark Boyer proposes an alternative series of passages. Individuals wishing to read all the books of the Bible during designated seasons over a course of several years will find his work useful.”
-- Fr. Paul Turner, pastor of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Kansas City MO. |
 | "Look, if the date and time of the next Easter Vigil in your parish is not already reserved on your personal calendar, there may not be much I can do for you. But read this book. It will reorient your calendar. And your life—if you’re brave enough to change. "
-- Fr. Paul Turner, pastor of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Kansas City MO, author of "Glory in the Cross: Holy Week in the Third Edition of the Roman Missal"
 | "Through a first-person account, Michael Sanem will guide you along a journey of faith, gospel and mission. He will open your heart anew to the good news you have received, clarify your vision of the fractured world around you, and show you how to map out a way forward. Invaluable for those in parish ministry, this resource will help every Christian encounter Jesus Christ where he otherwise goes overlooked."
-- Fr. Paul Turner, pastor, Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Kansas City, Missouri
 | "Jesus of Nazareth prayed the psalms, quoted the psalms, and interpreted the psalms. After the resurrection, his followers saw the psalms in an entirely new way and prayed them with the voice of Christ. Frank J. Matera opens this horizon so that you can do the same. His book links directly to the Liturgy of the Hours. Before you next pick up morning or evening prayer, pick up this book, read the pages that pertain to that office, and then begin. You will find yourself praying in the voice of Christ."
-- Fr. Paul Turner, pastor, Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Kansas City Missouri, and author of Words Without Alloy: A Biography of the Lectionary for Mass
 | “This brief book ably covers a huge topic. Pope Francis has summoned the largest consultation in the history of the human race, and Michael Sanem has presented a clear way for people to get involved. Time is of the essence. The pope wants you.”
—Father Paul Turner, Pastor
Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Kansas City, Missouri |
 | "The Word of God has always provided rich fare for worshipers. Many Christian denominations consider it the central feature of assembling. In a sense, we Roman Catholics were late for dinner, reforming our liturgy after coming to a renewed awakening into the value of the scriptures that have always guided our prayer. In this lively volume, all believers may celebrate together at the various ways that the Bible has fed our faith, anchored our worship, and opened our vision."
—Father Paul Turner, Pastor
Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Kansas City, Missouri |
 | "This is the best book I know for helping readers understand the dynamics of public proclamation. The author’s sincere faith and theatrical expertise contribute to a unique book that will help all readers improve something about their ministry, deepen their spiritual lives, and become better persons.”
—Father Paul Turner, Pastor
Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Kansas City, Missouri |
 | "The confirmation of children before first communion is an idea that some people love, others do not, and many have not even heard of. This rare book explores the history and theology of the sequence of these sacraments. Even better, it provides guidance for appropriate catechesis and talking points for those trying to understand or explain what on earth is going on. Regardless of what age of confirmation you consider best, this book will make you think.”
—Father Paul Turner, Pastor
Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Kansas City, Missouri |
 | "Among Catholics, the presence of unbaptized children and youth used to be a rarity. Now any parish may encounter a member of this group any day. Not every parish is ready. Anne Koester’s book shares her experience ministering to young inquirers and their families. It teems with accurate knowledge of the RCIA, a vision of intergenerational parish life, a catechist’s ability to inform and inspire, and an uncanny sense of what your next question will be. Even if you are familiar with the RCIA adapted for children, this book will guide you to fuller ministry.”
—Father Paul Turner, Pastor
Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Kansas City, Missouri - Author of When Other Christians Become Catholic |
 | "The hurt in your heart may seem as fresh as it is old. You have tried to let it go, but you don’t know how. This book will help. There is a way forward, a way of light and peace. Fr. Joe will guide your steps along the sure path of forgiveness."
Fr. Paul Turner, Pastor, Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Kansas City, Missouri |
 | "The nine biblical readings of the Easter Vigil are so rich in content and meaning that they overwhelm preacher, catechist, congregant and catechumen. The Glenstal Companion is brilliantly conceived to help the reader meditate on these passages at prayerful leisure. Fitting for a Lent retreat, homily preparation, or the general reader, this companion will help those who participate regularly in the Easter Vigil to derive more understanding from the Word of God, and it will invite those unfamiliar with the Vigil to participate in a marvel that they have been missing."
Fr. Paul Turner, Pastor, Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Kansas City, Missouri |
 | "Whether you cannot figure out the three-year lectionary or consider yourself an expert in the field, Gail Ramshaw’s exploration will fill you with insight. Her thematic approach to the Sunday readings avoids the more common sequential or seasonal analyses, giving her book its unique perspective. Ramshaw’s reverence for the sacred text even guides you through the lectionary’s shortcomings, as she inspires you to live the way the Word of God demands."
Fr. Paul Turner, Pastor, Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Kansas City, Missouri |
 | "Fifty days of feast follow forty days of fast. But how can you prolong the spiritual benefits received in Lent throughout all of Easter Time? Rejoice and Be Glad offers meditations on the readings from daily Mass, reflection questions, and prayers. With this book you may feast on God's word during each day of glory from Easter to Pentecost."
Fr. Paul Turner, Pastor, Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Kansas City, Missouri |
 | "You have enjoyed singing Bob Hurd's liturgical music. Here is your opportunity to enter the fruitful mind of this faithful Christian. You will explore not only the workings of worship, but also the God whom worship encounters. Hurd's book will help you appreciate why his music so powerfully draws you into Christian prayer."
Paul Turner, Pastor, Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Kansas City, MO |
 | "Like water from a fountain, the homilies of Pope Francis offer a life-giving supply of wise images suitable for meditation, prayer, and guidance. This collection of Easter Vigil homilies from his years as Cardinal Archbishop of Buenos Aires and as Bishop of Rome demonstrates his mastery over preaching the most important liturgy of the year. It will stir up your faith and inspire your own choice of words.”
Paul Turner, Pastor, Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Kansas City, MO |
 | "Reading Mark Boyer’s book is like studying the Bible with Mary as your guide. All Things Mary is a bouquet of beloved Scripture passages, insightful commentary, thoughtful journaling exercises, and prayer—a perfect tool for daily meditation.”
Paul Turner, Pastor, Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Kansas City, MO |
 | "Even the greatest Sunday preachers don't do their best work at baptisms, wedding and funerals. A busy priest or deacon may lightly doctor an old homily from similar circumstances and re-frame it. Rites of Passage does not just challenge such preachers-it helps them. Reading this book will fill you with ideas about the structure of homilies, the meaning of the scriptures, and the personal care you can offer families at moments when they need God's word the most."
Paul Turner, Pastor, Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Kansas City, Missouri and former president of the North American Academy of Liturgy |
 | "Have you felt daunted at fully implementing the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults in your parish? When you finish Diana Macalintal's book, you'll wonder why you worried. Your Parish Is the Curriculum is a readable, concise, realistic, invigorating view of the entire formation and celebration of the RCIA. Whether you are new or experienced in this ministry, you will find fresh ideas and gain total confidence in the joyful task of helping interested adults join the Catholic family."
Paul Turner, Pastor, Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Kansas City, Missouri and former president of the North American Academy of Liturgy |
 | "The Church calls us to celebrate the church year as the basic framework for our spiritual lives. Here Mark Boyer, standing in the great liturgical tradition of Adrian Nocent, Louis Bouyer and others, unfolds the richness of the prayers, ritual and readings during the celebration of the paschal mystery from Palm Sunday to Pentecost . . . Boyer’s work will help people recognize the wonderful and life-giving gift offered to us in the liturgies of Christ’s paschal mystery."
Paul Turner, Pastor, Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Kansas City, Missouri and former president of the North American Academy of Liturgy |
 | "The encyclopedic mind of Dennis Smolarski now appears in alphabetical order. His book A Glossary of Liturgical Terms surveys expressions common and obscure, ancient and modern, Roman and Eastern. In conversing about the liturgy, if you ever say to yourself, “I wonder what that word means,” you will find the answer here."
Paul Turner, Pastor, Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Kansas City, Missouri and former president of the North American Academy of Liturgy |
 | "Roman Catholic readers of this book will deepen their understanding of the Lutheran perspective on the Eucharist. Frank Senn’s walk through the Church’s liturgy casts a glance outward toward nature and inward toward the body, away from shame and into glory. He plumbs the meaning of sacrifice and communion, anamnesis and epiclesis. At once deeply spiritual and disarmingly personal, the author establishes communion with the reader through a mutual exploration of faith."
Paul Turner, Pastor, Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Kansas City, Missouri and former president of the North American Academy of Liturgy |
 | "Ron Lewinski has more experience with the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults than almost any other person on earth. He will bring you intense knowledge, practical guidance, gentle challenges, and increased confidence. If you want a basic knowledge of Christian initiation, and if you have not yet met this author, you owe it to yourself to read this book."
Paul Turner, Pastor, Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Kansas City, Missouri |
 | "To a broken, hungry Catholic world, Rita Ferrone brings a healthy serving of healing words. The Second Vatican Council shifted the tectonic plates of the church, and the newly aligned contours excite some and disturb others. Ferrone calls us home again - home to the heart of Sacrosanctum concilium, the seminal document that ushered in liturgical reform, contemporary vision, and future hope. To analyze such a document requires a perceptive writer. Ferrone delivers."
Paul Turner, Pastor, St. Anthony Catholic Church in Kansas City, Missouri |
 | "If you have a key role in planning and celebrating the Sacred Paschal Triduum each year, blessed are you. But frustrated are you because you do not get to watch how other parishes do it. Reading Jeremy Helmes's book is like having a bright conversation with an experienced guide. Three Great Days offers step-by-step practical advice, brimming with ideas, grounded in history and tradition, yet fostering creative thinking. This book will help you celebrate a better Holy Week this year."
Paul Turner, Pastor, St. Anthony Catholic Church in Kansas City, Missouri, Author, Glory in the Cross: Holy Week in the Third Edition of The Roman Missal |
 | "Michael Witczak is one of the most respected Catholic liturgical theologians alive… He has literally written the book on baptism. Listeners will appreciate the organization of his thought, the depth of his knowledge, and the clarity of his delivery."
– Rev. Paul Turner |
 | Preaching is such a personal endeavor that it takes a wide range of writers to cover its multiple aspects. Connors has masterfully gathered a roomful of opinions and experiences to share insights about the mystery and power of preaching the gospel.
Rev. Paul Turner, Pastor, St. Anthony Catholic Church in Kansas City Missouri, Contributor, To All the World |
 | Stephen Wilbricht takes a fresh look at the Mass through the eyes of Mark Searle. Whether you are interested in liturgy, social justice, or the path to salvation, this book will expand the way you look at worship and life.
Paul Turner, Pastor, St. Anthony Parish, Kansas City, Missouri; Facilitator, International Commission on English in the Liturgy |
 | For deacons who want to fulfill their liturgical role with more faith and understanding, for those who wonder what deacons may and may not do, for those curious about the history of the diaconate, for priests who share responsibilities with deacons, for men considering a call to the diaconate, for anyone seeking a better view of what deacons do and who they are, Deacon Frederick Bauerschmidt offers sure-footed information, pastoral guidance, and inspirational confidence.
Rev. Paul Turner, pastor, St. Anthony Catholic Church in Kansas City MO and author of Let Us Pray: A Guide to the Rubrics of Sunday Mass |
 | When you walk into a Catholic church building, you know where everything should be. Or do you? The rules governing liturgical space sprout ever-new leaves due to a growing series of books and decrees. Mark G. Boyer organizes this legislation by theme, shows why the law says what it does, and makes practical applications that will affirm and surprise you. After reading this book, you'll see the insides of churches as you never have before.
Rev. Paul Turner, pastor, St. Anthony Catholic Church in Kansas City MO and author of Let Us Pray: A Guide to the Rubrics of Sunday Mass |
 | You will need an open heart when you open this book. Roc O'Connor will guide you through the landscape of the liturgy and the terrain of the spirit. As shepherd and poet, he leads a journey that will lighten your cares and enlighten your prayers.
Paul Turner |
 | Just as the Church's creed summarizes what we believe, Berard Marthaler's The Creed summarizes why we believe it and takes readers into the deepest mysteries of our faith. He explains what it is to believe and who it is we believe in. Marthaler opens up the context of our creed: the scriptures, the movements, the heresies, and the councils that forged its words, as well as the living Church still nurtured by its tenets. His clear analysis confidently guides the reader through a thicket of ancient and modern theological issues.
---Paul Turner, Pastor, St. Munchin Parish, Cameron, Missouri, and author of When Other Christians Become Catholic (Liturgical Press) |
 | Good liturgy relies on a good building. Good buildings rely on good advice. If you are renovating an old church or erecting a new one, here is the advice you need. James Healy shares what he learned as a pastor facing the same situation. When your project seems vague, here you will find clarity. When it seems overwhelming, here you will find encouragement. Think you can't do a good job? You can. Here's how.
Reverend Paul Turner, Pastor, St. Munchin Church, Cameron, Missouri |
 | Traditional, yet fresh. That’s the Catholic Church. And that is Catholic catechesis. But how can you best know the tradition? And how can you make it fresh for people right now, this week? Mary Birmingham, one of our most trusted catechists, provides all you need in an online resource that is faithful and creative. If you wish that you could do a better job sharing the faith you hold and that God ever makes new, check out Catholic Faith, Life & Creed. |
 | Every Catholic would like to get more out of the Mass, and the revised translation is encouraging everyone to think more deeply about the words we hear and say. Stephen Binz provides a very helpful guide for those who wish to enter this process prayerfully, in community, and with the Bible in hand. This book will give the reader an experience of Christ and the church that will enrich every celebration of the Mass.
Rev. Paul Turner, Pastor of St. Munchin Church, diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, Facilitator for the International Commission on English in the Liturgy |
 | If you are wondering what to expect at church when you bring your child for baptism, if you struggle to explain why baptism is important, if you learned something about sacraments in the past but don't remember what it was or how they connect with real life, you'll be happy to hold this book in your hands. Tom Scirghi calms fears, enlightens minds, and inspires hearts with the good news that everything is sacred.
 | Can one book give a complete overview of the history and theology of the eucharistic prayer from its origins to its recent manifestations, from East to West, from Catholic to Protestant, Anglican to Orthodox, with generous quotations and insightful analogy, charts and footnotes, and an ability to make you feel at the end that you have really understood more about how Christians offer their most important prayer? Well, yes. It's this one.
Paul Turner
Author of Glory in the Cross: Holy Week in the Third Edition of The Roman Missal |
 | The Office of Readings is one of the deepest treasures in the Church's liturgical prayer, but one of the least appreciated. Who are the people who wrote these reflections? Didymus the Blind? Faustinus Luciferanus? John the Serene of Naples? Hedwig? Gertrude? Milton Walsh introduces you to these people as if he has been friends with them for years. He has. And now so can you.
Fr. Paul Turner, Former President of the North American Academy of Liturgy |
 | The word ‘Jungmann’ is synonymous with the history of the Mass. Have a question about the origins of some part of the Sunday Eucharist? ‘Look it up in Jungmann,’ people will say. These volumes are both historical and historic. This new edition will make this timeless research more available to the eager reader.
Rev. Paul Turner
Author of Glory in the Cross |
 | Catholics of the English-speaking world had to relearn the responses at Mass and retune their ears to the prayers the priest says on their behalf. The results have been frustrating, fascinating, and rewarding. But how do we make new words our words? The former translation, in use for decades, had become a part of us. Is there anything else we can do besides wait for the new words to take root?
Yes. You can read Virgilio T.J. Suerte Felipe´s book, English Mass for Filipino Catholics: The Meaning of the New Words of the Holy Mass. Virgilio takes the reader through the principal changes to the words that stay the same from week, the structure known as the Order of Mass. His in depth commentary never leaves the reader behind. He sheds light on new phrases, enthusiastically uncovering the riches of the Catholic liturgy. Readers will come away with a greater appreciation for the richness of their Catholic heritage, the community they form when they worship, and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, which transcends every language.
Paul Turner |
 | Timothy Gabrielli has added an important page to the literature on the history of confirmation. His survey of the 20th-century meaning and practice of confirmation in the United States is unmatched. His conclusions will help all of us rethink the assumptions we have ascribed to this sacrament.
Rev. Paul Turner, Pastor of St. Anthony Catholic Church in Kansas City, MO, and author of Ages of Initiation |
 | Every preacher is expected to provide expertise for people of different education, ethnicities, gender, age, faith, and life experience. We Preach Christ Crucified explores the method and content of preaching for these circumstances, analyzes each with perception, and inspires the reader with hope. You may think your preaching could never improve either because you know it all or because you lack certain skills. This book will open the eyes of preachers and the ears of the faithful.
Rev. Paul Turner, Pastor of St. Anthony Catholic Church in Kansas City, and author of Let Us Pray: A Guide to the Rubrics of Sunday Mass |
 | With these meditations you can sense the active participation of the people already coming to birth in the 1950s. Guardini promotes not just a renewed liturgy, but a renewed people.
Rev. Paul Turner
Author of At the Supper of the Lamb |
 | Until you are blue in the face, you've told couples to prepare for married life, not just the wedding day. Diana Macalintal and Nick Wagner say that's not enough. Prepare couples for discipleship. Applying the theory of the catechumenate to engagement, this book bursts with so many practical ideas that you won't be able to hold them all in your hands. It will improve marriages and parishes alike.
Rev. Paul Turner, Pastor, St. Anthony Catholic Church, Kansas City MO, Author, The Catholic Wedding Answer Book |
 | Catholics of the English-speaking world have had to relearn the responses at Mass and retune their ears to the prayers the priest says on their behalf. The results have been frustrating, fascinating, and rewarding. But how do we make new words our words? The former translation, in use for decades, had become a part of us. Is there anything else we can do besides wait for the new words to take root? “Yes. You can read Virgilio T. J. Suerte Felipe’s book, Appreciating the New Words of the Holy Mass in the Year of Faith. Virgilio takes the reader through the principal changes to the words that stay the same from week to week, the structure known as the Order of Mass. His in-depth commentary never leaves the reader behind. He sheds light on new phrases, enthusiastically uncovering the riches of the Catholic liturgy. “Readers will come away with a greater appreciation for the richness of their Catholic heritage, the community they form when they worship, and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, which transcends every language.
Paul Turner, author of Understanding the Revised Mass Texts and At the Supper of the Lamb: A Pastoral and Theological Commentary on the Mass |
 | Pope Benedict's controversial permission for a broader use of the pre-Vatican II Mass receives a pacific treatment in this book. You may not always agree with what William H. Johnston has to say, but he will sit you down and get you to listen.
Paul Turner, Pastor, St. Anthony Parish, Kansas City, Missouri, and Facilitator for the International Commission on English in the Liturgy |
 | If you are new to the Catholic faith or if you are experienced in it, if you are curious about Catholic worship or if you have grown used to it, it is time for you to read this book.
Rev. Paul Turner, author, pastor and liturgist - Diocese of Kansas City Missouri |
 | The project looks tremendous . . . eminently usable for classroom purposes. This is a volume that can be used and used for years to come. . . . A much-welcomed product.
Rev. Paul Turner, S.T.D., Saint Munchin Parish, Cameron, Missouri |