Lectionary Bulletin Inserts for Year A can be found HERE.
Lectionary Bulletin Inserts for Year B can be found HERE.
Lectionary Bulletin Inserts for Year C can be found HERE.

Bulletin Inserts for the Liturgical Life of the Parish can be found HERE.  These include all the bulletin inserts formerly published in the issues of Ministry and Liturgy magazine indicated in the table below, as well as several new topics never before published.

 Topic Issue Group Sub Group
Altar relics 31-08 Dedication of a Church
Dedication Anointing 32-06 Dedication of a Church
Dedication Incense 32-06 Dedication of a Church
Dedication Lectionary 32-03 Dedication of a Church
Dedication Lighting 32-08 Dedication of a Church
Dedication Procession 31-09 Dedication of a Church
Foundation Stone 31-08 Dedication of a Church
Handing over a new church 31-09 Dedication of a Church
Inauguration of Chapel 32-08 Dedication of a Church
Prayer of dedication 32-04 Dedication of a Church
Sprinkling a new church 31-10 Dedication of a Church
Adoration 24-05 Devotions
Advent Wreath 29-10 Devotions
Advent Wreath Year A 37-09 Devotions
Advent Wreath Year B 38-09 Devotions
Advent Wreath Year C 39-09 Devotions
Altar de los Muertos 40-09 Devotions
Altarcito 28-07 Devotions
AMDG 35-07 Devotions
Angels 22-10 Devotions
Benediction 23-04 Devotions
Blessing a New Home 34-09 Devotions
Blessing Religious Articles 33-06 Devotions
Christmas in January 38-01 Devotions
Dance 33-01 Devotions
Disposing of Religious Articles 33-09 Devotions
Entregar el Nino 29-01 Devotions
Epiphany Chalk 28-10 Devotions
Eucharistic processions 29-05 Devotions
Evangelist Symbols 27-09 Devotions
Fast and Abstinence 26-02 Devotions
Fasting 21-02 Devotions
Genuflection 25-06 Devotions
Hail Mary 23-04 Devotions
Holy Water 21-02 Devotions
Holy Year 27-01 Devotions
Indulgences 27-04 Devotions
Infant Jesus of Prague 35-04 Devotions
Miraculous Medal 42-01 Devotions
Our Lady of Perpetual Help 33-09 Devotions
Palms 32-02 Devotions
Penitential Celebrations 34-09 Devotions
Pious Exercises 40-10 Devotions
Posadas 27-10 Devotions
Presentation of a Child 41-04 Devotions
Quinceaneras 27-08 Devotions
Rosary 26-04 Devotions
Stations of the Cross 22-02 Devotions
Statues 22-07 Devotions
Sunday Scriptures at Home 33-02 Devotions
Tithing 40-10 Devotions
Visits to the Sick 33-01 Devotions
Wedding Anniversaries 27-06 Devotions
After a Miscarriage 42-02 Funerals
Book of the Dead 32-09 Funerals
Burial 22-08 Funerals
Cremation 27-09 Funerals
Death before Baptism 23-01 Funerals
Eulogy 27-05 Funerals
Final Commendation 34-06 Funerals
Pallbearers 32-03 Funerals
Placing of Christian Symbols 34-06 Funerals
Placing the Pall 26-02 Funerals
Scripture for Funerals 27-03 Funerals
Sprinkling the Coffin 26-05 Funerals
Suicide Funerals 25-03 Funerals
Taps 39-09 Funerals
Vigil for the deceased 32-07 Funerals
Words in Remembrance 41-06 Funerals
Alpha and Omega 35-08 Furnishings
Altar 26-09 Furnishings
Altar cloths 31-02 Furnishings
Ambo 22-07 Furnishings
Ambry 24-08 Furnishings
Banners 36-04 Furnishings
Book of the Gospels 31-06 Furnishings
Candles 25-05 Furnishings
Cathedra 28-08 Furnishings
Choir Loft 34-01 Furnishings
Church exterior 33-04 Furnishings
Church interior 33-04 Furnishings
Communion Rail 25-10 Furnishings
Cross 22-06 Furnishings
Cruets 26-03 Furnishings
Flags 29-02 Furnishings
Flowers 28-08 Furnishings
Font 23-03 Furnishings
Gathering Space 26-08 Furnishings
IHS 31-07 Furnishings
INRI 30-02 Furnishings
Kneelers 34-01 Furnishings
Manger 35-08 Furnishings
Mensa 32-05 Furnishings
Pipe Organ 25-01 Furnishings
Presider’s Chair 26-07 Furnishings
Regional materials 36-04 Furnishings
Sacramentary 38-08 Furnishings
Sacrarium 25-05 Furnishings
Stained glass windows 39-05 Furnishings
Tabernacle 22-08 Furnishings
Tabernacle Key 39-10 Furnishings
Tabernacle Veil 39-01 Furnishings
Third Edition of the Roman Missal 37-10 Furnishings
Adoration of the cross 39-03 Liturgical Year
Advent Gospels 34-08 Liturgical Year
Agatha 40-01 Liturgical Year
All Saints 25-09 Liturgical Year
All Souls 24-09 Liturgical Year
Andrew 42-09 Liturgical Year
Anthony of Padua 40-05 Liturgical Year
Archangels 40-07 Liturgical Year
Ascension on Sunday 28-04 Liturgical Year
Ashes 21-01 Liturgical Year
Assumption 40-06 Liturgical Year
Baptism of the Lord 26-01 Liturgical Year
Birth Date of Jesus 26-10 Liturgical Year
Birth of Mary 26-07 Liturgical Year
Blase 30-01 Liturgical Year
Catherine of Siena 40-03 Liturgical Year
Chair of Peter 41-01 Liturgical Year
Chrism Mass 24-03 Liturgical Year
Christ the King 34-08 Liturgical Year
Christmas Confession 33-10 Liturgical Year
Christmas on Monday 33-10 Liturgical Year
Christopher Magallanes 42-04 Liturgical Year
Conversion of St. Paul 35-10 Liturgical Year
Cross or crucifix 39-03 Liturgical Year
Cyril and Methodius 40-01 Liturgical Year
Dies Irae 29-09 Liturgical Year
Divine Mercy Sunday 37-04 Liturgical Year
Do Re Mi 41-05 Liturgical Year
Easter 35-02 Liturgical Year
Easter Candle 22-03 Liturgical Year
Easter First Readings 30-03 Liturgical Year
Easter Octave 35-03 Liturgical Year
Easter Vigil 28-03 Liturgical Year
Ember Days 28-10 Liturgical Year
Epiphany on Sunday 32-10 Liturgical Year
Exaltation of the Holy Cross 24-07 Liturgical Year
Exsultet 23-03 Liturgical Year
Feast 33-07 Liturgical Year
First Letter of Peter 35-03 Liturgical Year
George 42-03 Liturgical Year
Good Friday 35-01 Liturgical Year
Holy Days 23-10 Liturgical Year
Holy Family 41-10 Liturgical Year
Holy Thursday 35-01 Liturgical Year
Immaculate Conception 26-10 Liturgical Year
Januarius 42-07 Liturgical Year
January 1″ 28-01 Liturgical Year
John de Brébeuf 40-08 Liturgical Year
Korean martyrs 39-07 Liturgical Year
Lamentations in Holy Week 34-02 Liturgical Year
Lateran Basilica 24-09 Liturgical Year
Lauda Sion 30-05 Liturgical Year
Lent 29-02 Liturgical Year
Litany of the Saints 32-04 Liturgical Year
Liturgical Colors 21-01 Liturgical Year
Marie Rose Durocher 39-08 Liturgical Year
Memorial 33-08 Liturgical Year
Memorials in Privileged Seasons 33-08 Liturgical Year
Midnight Mass 21-10 Liturgical Year
Nativity of John the Baptist 40-05 Liturgical Year
Nativity of Mary 42-07 Liturgical Year
O 21-10 Liturgical Year
Optional Memorial 26-09 Liturgical Year
Ordinary Time 23-08 Liturgical Year
Ordinary Time Weekdays 42-01 Liturgical Year
Original Novena, The 22-04 Liturgical Year
Our Lady of Lourdes 41-01 Liturgical Year
Our Lady of Sorrows 35-06 Liturgical Year
Palm Sunday Commemoration 40-02 Liturgical Year
Palm Sunday Passion 40-02 Liturgical Year
Pentecost 35-02 Liturgical Year
Pentecost Vigil 37-04 Liturgical Year
Peter Chanel 42-03 Liturgical Year
Peter Claver 39-07 Liturgical Year
Philip and James 40-04 Liturgical Year
Presentation of the Lord 24-01 Liturgical Year
Processions in Holy Week 34-02 Liturgical Year
Proclamation of the Birth of Christ 31-10 Liturgical Year
Purple and Blue 25-02 Liturgical Year
Reception of Oils 30-02 Liturgical Year
Rogation Days 28-06 Liturgical Year
Saints Peter and Paul 24-05 Liturgical Year
Simon and Jude 39-08 Liturgical Year
Solemnity 33-07 Liturgical Year
St. Joseph 41-02 Liturgical Year
St. Patrick 23-02 Liturgical Year
Stanislaus 40-03 Liturgical Year
Sunday 23-07 Liturgical Year
Thanksgiving Day 35-09 Liturgical Year
Thérèse of the Child Jesus 40-08 Liturgical Year
Transfiguration 40-06 Liturgical Year
Veiling statues 32-01 Liturgical Year
Veni sancte Spiritus 29-04 Liturgical Year
Victimae paschali laudes 30-03 Liturgical Year
Vigil or anticipated mass 39-10 Liturgical Year
Visitation 42-04 Liturgical Year
Washing Feet 22-03 Liturgical Year
Applause 25-03 Mass Customs
Baked Bread 27-07 Mass Customs
Beginning of the School Year 40-07 Mass Customs
Both Kinds 22-01 Mass Customs
Capital letters 38-10 Mass Customs
Catholic Communion 23-10 Mass Customs
Communion Blessing 29-03 Mass Customs
Corporal 42-05 Mass Customs
Crying Babies 25-04 Mass Customs
Distractions 24-06 Mass Customs
Entering the church 30-09 Mass Customs
Eucharistic Prayer Choice 31-05 Mass Customs
Forgiveness at Mass 28-02 Mass Customs
Getting the Least 37-03 Mass Customs
GIRM 30-06 Mass Customs
Hands at Our Father 31-01 Mass Customs
Homily Feedback 23-06 Mass Customs
Incense 23-07 Mass Customs
Intinction 22-09 Mass Customs
Kneeling for communion 37-06 Mass Customs
Knights of Columbus at mass 41-04 Mass Customs
Mary at Mass 21-04 Mass Customs
Mass for the people 31-01 Mass Customs
Mass intentions 28-03 Mass Customs
Mass on vacation 37-05 Mass Customs
Mustum 31-04 Mass Customs
Non-Catholic Communion 26-03 Mass Customs
Orans 26-04 Mass Customs
Participation 38-07 Mass Customs
Participation Aids 27-08 Mass Customs
Peoples’ hands 39-06 Mass Customs
Praying the eucharistic prayer 30-10 Mass Customs
Priesthood of the Faithful 30-06 Mass Customs
Reading and Praying 38-09 mass Customs
Real Presence 42-06 Mass Customs
Recorded music 31-02 Mass Customs
Reverence 25-01 Mass Customs
Silence before mass 30-07 Mass Customs
Singing at mass 33-05 Mass Customs
Singing Dialogues 38-05 Mass Customs
Sitting 25-10 Mass Customs
Standing 23-05 Mass Customs
Verses 24-04 Mass Customs
Altar servers 31-03 Mass Ministers
Cantor 25-09 Mass Ministers
Choir 34-03 Mass Ministers
Commentators 23-01 Mass Ministers
Concelebration 24-03 Mass Ministers
Deacons 21-06 Mass Ministers
Greeters 35-05 Mass Ministers
Lay Preaching 33-02 Mass Ministers
Lectors 28-09 Mass Ministers
Mass with one minister 39-05 Mass Ministers
Master of ceremonies 42-09 Mass Ministers
Priest 31-07 Mass Ministers
Sacristan 34-03 Mass Ministers
“And with your spirit.” 36-06 Mass Parts
“Hell” in the Creed 37-01 Mass Parts
Absolution 37-05 Mass Parts
Advent Preface 41-09 Mass Parts
All is 39-02 Mass Parts
Announcements 26-05 Mass Parts
Begotten 38-06 Mass Parts
Bells at Mass 25-02 Mass Parts
Bow Down for the Blessing 38-10 Mass Parts
Bringing Up the Gifts 31-06 Mass Parts
Catholic Bible 34-05 Mass Parts
Christ has died 38-04 Mass Parts
Closing Hymn 23-08 Mass Parts
Collect 41-08 Mass Parts
Collection 24-07 Mass Parts
Communion bow 30-08 Mass Parts
Communion Chant 38-03 Mass Parts
Concelebrants’ Gestures 41-09 Mass Parts
Confess one baptism 38-03 Mass Parts
Confiteor 36-10 Mass Parts
Consubstantial and Incarnate 36-07 Mass Parts
Creed, The 21-03 Mass Parts
Cup and Chalice 38-04 Mass Parts
Direction of the Cross 42-02 Mass Parts
Dismissals 21-04 Mass Parts
Elevation 27-06 Mass Parts
Embolism 36-08 Mass Parts
Entrance chant 30-07 Mass Parts
Epiclesis 34-10 Mass Parts
Eucharistic Prayer I 25-08 Mass Parts
Eucharistic Prayer II 22-05 Mass Parts
Eucharistic Prayer III 26-06 Mass Parts
Eucharistic Prayer IV 21-05 Mass Parts
First Corinthians 35-10 Mass Parts
For the Kingdom 30-01 Mass Parts
For us men 37-07 Mass Parts
Gathering 21-09 Mass Parts
Glory to you, O Lord 38-02 Mass Parts
Great amen 33-05 Mass Parts
Greeting 38-07 Mass Parts
Hearing Scripture 24-01 Mass Parts
Holy, Holy, Holy 36-08 Mass Parts
Homily length 38-01 Mass Parts
I believe 36-10 Mass Parts
ICEL and Vox Clara 38-06 Mass Parts
Inaudible Prayers 24-06 Mass Parts
Incensing the people 32-07 Mass Parts
Instrumental music 35-05 Mass Parts
Introductory Rites 28-09 Mass Parts
John 24-10 Mass Parts
Joseph in the Eucharistic Prayers 40-09 Mass Parts
Kisses 22-01 Mass Parts
Kyrie 36-09 Mass Parts
Lamb of God 22-05 Mass Parts
Letter to the Hebrews 37-08 Mass Parts
Lord Be with You, The 21-07 Mass Parts
Luke 28-05 Mass Parts
Mark 27-05 Mass Parts
Matthew 26-08 Mass Parts
Melchisedech 28-04 Mass Parts
Memorial Acclamation 29-06 Mass Parts
Merit 39-04 Mass Parts
Mystery of Faith 38-05 Mass Parts
N. our Bishop 36-05 Mass Parts
Offertory chant 30-10 Mass Parts
Orate, fratres 38-02 Mass Parts
Order of Mass 36-01 Mass Parts
Prayer of the Faithful 21-06 Mass Parts
Preface 32-02 Mass Parts
Preface Dialogue 32-02 Mass Parts
Presidential Prayers 21-08 Mass Parts
Pro multis 36-06 Mass Parts
Purification prayer 36-09 Mass Parts
Purifying vessels 34-04 Mass Parts
Receiving Communion 21-05 Mass Parts
Responsorial Psalm, The 21-08 Mass Parts
Rose again 37-09 Mass Parts
Saints in the Eucharistic Prayers 36-07 Mass Parts
Salt 32-05 Mass Parts
Sign of Peace 25-08 Mass Parts
Sign of the Cross 35-06 Mass Parts
Silence 21-07 Mass Parts
Sin of the World 37-08 Mass Parts
Standing for the invitation 30-08 Mass Parts
Striking the Breast 39-01 Mass Parts
The sins of the world 37-07 Mass Parts
Thessalonians 41-08 Mass Parts
Turning toward the ambo 30-09 Mass Parts
Under my roof 37-06 Mass Parts
Unmentionable, The 22-02 Mass Parts
What Does Not Change 38-08 Mass Parts
Who live 39-04 Mass Parts
Last Rites 21-03 Sacraments Anointing
Oil of the Sick 29-08 Sacraments Anointing
Baptism candle 34-07 Sacraments Baptism
Baptismal Certificate 29-04 Sacraments Baptism
Baptismal Formula 35-07 Sacraments Baptism
Baptismal Garment, The 22-04 Sacraments Baptism
Catechetical Age 24-08 Sacraments Baptism
Catechumen 33-03 Sacraments Baptism
Changing Godparents 42-06 Sacraments Baptism
Chrism 31-04 Sacraments Baptism
Conditional baptism 41-07 Sacraments Baptism
Emergency baptism 24-10 Sacraments Baptism
Ephphetha 41-03 Sacraments Baptism
Godparents 23-05 Sacraments Baptism
Immersion 32-02 Sacraments Baptism
Mystagogy 34-04 Sacraments Baptism
Oil of Catechumens 25-04 Sacraments Baptism
Oil of Catechumens 29-07 Sacraments Baptism
Parent Questions 35-09 Sacraments Baptism
Presentation of the Creed 41-02 Sacraments Baptism
Presentation of the Lord’s Prayer 41-03 Sacraments Baptism
RCIA 32-09 Sacraments Baptism
Renewing baptismal promsies 34-07 Sacraments Baptism
Rite of Acceptance 32-10 Sacraments Baptism
Rite of Election 28-02 Sacraments Baptism
Rite of Reception 33-03 Sacraments Baptism
Rite of Sending 28-01 Sacraments Baptism
Scrutiny 23-02 Sacraments Baptism
Sponsors 33-06 Sacraments Baptism
Confirmation 22-06 Sacraments Confirmation
Confirmation Creed 30-04 Sacraments Confirmation
Confirmation Name 29-06 Sacraments Confirmation
Skipping confirmation 39-06 Sacraments Confirmation
Bread, Cup, Body, Blood 29-05 Sacraments Eucharist
Communion Services 27-10 Sacraments Eucharist
Communion Twice 28-06 Sacraments Eucharist
Confession before Communion 24-02 Sacraments Eucharist
Easter Duty 37-01 Sacraments Eucharist
English Translation 36-01 Sacraments Eucharist
First Communion Dress 29-03 Sacraments Eucharist
First Communion Requirements 27-04 Sacraments Eucharist
Novus ordo 34-10 Sacraments Eucharist
Sharing divinity 41-10 Sacraments Eucharist
Sunday Lay Presider 28-05 Sacraments Eucharist
Valid and Licit 27-01 Sacraments Eucharist
Arras 42-10 Sacraments Marriage
Blessing and Exchange of Rings 36-02 Sacraments Marriage
Catholic wedding music 37-10 Sacraments Marriage
Consent 24-02 Sacraments Marriage
Convalidation 22-09 Sacraments Marriage
Dispensation from Form 36-02 Sacraments Marriage
Lazo 40-04 Sacraments Marriage
Lighting Candles at Weddings 36-03 Sacraments Marriage
Marrying a Non-Christian 42-05 Sacraments Marriage
Nuptial epiclesis 39-02 Sacraments Marriage
Outdoor Weddings 27-07 Sacraments Marriage
Photography 23-06 Sacraments Marriage
Sanation 35-04 Sacraments Marriage
Saturday Wedding Mass 25-07 Sacraments Marriage
Scripture for Weddings 27-02 Sacraments Marriage
Seating Parents at Weddings 36-03 Sacraments Marriage
Simple Catholic Wedding 36-05 Sacraments Marriage
Unity Candle 29-09 Sacraments Marriage
Wedding acclamation 42-10 Sacraments Marriage
Wedding Kneeler 29-07 Sacraments Marriage
Wedding March 28-07 Sacraments Marriage
Wedding Procession, The 21-09 Sacraments Marriage
Weddings at Sunday Mass 41-06 Sacraments Marriage
Weddings without mass 24-04 Sacraments Marriage
Manutergium 42-08 Sacraments Ordination
Act of Penance 26-01 Sacraments Penance
Communal reconciliation 25-06 Sacraments Penance
General Absolution 29-01 Sacraments Penance
Leaving penance early 31-03 Sacraments Penance
Reconciliation 22-10 Sacraments Penance
Senior Citizen Confessions 37-03 Sacraments Penance
Persons with Disabilities 41-05 Sacraments
Alb 31-06 Vestments
Amice 29-10 Vestments
Black Vestments 34-05 Vestments
Chasuble 23-09 Vestments
Cincture 29-08 Vestments
Cope 30-04 Vestments
Dalmatic 25-07 Vestments
Dress 23-09 Vestments
Humeral Veil 30-05 Vestments
Kissing Stoles 41-07 Vestments
Maniple 42-08 Vestments
Pallium 32-01 Vestments
Roman Collar 27-03 Vestments
Stole 26-06 Vestments
Vesture for Ministers 27-02 Vestments

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