Celebration of the Word

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Regarding the recently released edition of Holy Communion and Worship of The Eucharistic Mystery Outside of Mass. The rubrics are silent regarding a homily.  The rubrics under “The Celebration of the Word of God” indicate that the Celebration of the Word takes place in the same manner as at Mass.  As a deacon, I am hoping this is an indication a brief homily can be given. == A: I think you’re reading it correctly. The rite probably does not mention a homily because a lay minister follows the same rite, and the focus for all ministers is on the …

Anniversaries, Memorials and Feasts

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: I’m coming to you with a question which I feel certain you can help me with. A discussion has arisen at my parish concerning certain Anniversaries, Memorials and Feasts that appear on the Necrology side of the Ordo for Los Angeles. From a parish liturgy directors perspective I need some help in understanding when some of these must-should-ought-could be celebrated and would replace others that are set. So, I suppose this question concerns Ranks.  There are seven such events, which I’ve listed below. Consulting with the Universal Norms On The Calendar from the Roman Missal (page 96, paragraph 59 …

Choir posture

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: I lead a choir. My concern is body posture in a visible choir loft on the side of the sanctuary.  Two members want to kneel when the congregation kneels (Eucharistic mass parts) while the rest are content standing during all of the music. When I first started they were content to sit for almost everything until I insisted on standing. It is very distracting and I wanted to know if there are any liturgical protocols I can quote to them so that they understand the  the idea of communal praying and not the wants of the  individual. BTW, the two …

Kneeler at Communion

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Longtime(ish) reader and writing from Canada as someone who has often been helped by your work.  I recently became pastor in a parish where an individual kneeler separates the priest distributing Holy Communion from the individual receiving Holy Communion.  My predecessor fixed it there in the event that someone wants to receive Holy Communion kneeling.  Personally if someone wants to receive Holy Communion kneeling I have no issue with that but I find the presence of a fixed individual kneeler odd.  I am having trouble articulating a specific liturgical principle to which I can appeal however.  I don’t know …

Altar cloth

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

I hope you’re well this summer. I have a liturgical question which I’d like to get your opinions.  In the picture, as you can see, the altar is completely covered. A priest told me that it should NOT be covered that way, but should only be partially covered.  The reasoning is that if we cover it completely, it looks like a casket being covered with the pall.  Anyway, what’s the correct liturgical approach to this?  As always I’m excited to hear your expertise. Thanks and blessings.  == A: There are no rules governing the length of the altar cloth. However, …

Funeral with no body present

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Trusting you are well…and finding American politics as compelling as me?! If there is no body present at a ‘funeral’, is it a Requiem Mass or a Memorial Mass that’s celebrated. Increasingly in Australia families are having a so called celebration of life after the body has been cremated/interred. Thanks as always for your insights. == A: Here’s a previous post that doesn’t directly answer your question but presents the pertinent principles:  https://paulturner.org/memorial-mass/ Without a body present, you would celebrate a Mass for the Dead from the Missal, rather than the texts from the Order of Christian Funerals.  The …

Vestments for funerals

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Quick weary: a certain religious community in the area wants to revert from using white at funerals (pall/ vestments) to black. Just seems to me that many just want to do the opposite of what has come from Vatican II — but perhaps just just my take. I know black and violet are also options, but do you have any articles expounding on the use of white at Funerals Masses? When I look through the prayers of the Funeral Rite and from the Missal I don’t get that “black” feeling. Maybe some violet, but definitely I get the dose …

Pop-in homily

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: My question deals with two (relatively common – I believe) practices viz. weekend preaching. One is that each presider at Mass normally gives the homily at that liturgy. The other is that a designated individual will preach at all the Masses on a given weekend…sometimes ministering at the Mass, or even “popping out” for just his homily.  He might or might not proclaim the Gospel of the day as well…(that’s another questionable point!). Does the GIRM or other liturgical docs address these practices/customs? What’s your take? As always, much obliged! == A: There is no provision for someone doing …

Deacon postures

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: You have addressed the posture of a deacon at Mass when it comes to kneeling and standing in a few posts. I have three questions. ONE: In this post (https://paulturner.org/additional-deacons-at-mass/) , you wrote: “When the Ceremonial of Bishops speaks of additional deacons, it says that “they should divide the ministries accordingly” (26). I take this to mean that when the number is more than can logically be divided, they take the postures of other deacons….  [W]hen the deacons kneel for the consecration, it would be fitting for other vested deacons to do the same.” Am I correct to think …


In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: I’m planning on using patens for the distribution of Holy Communion. The altar server would place the paten below the chin of the person receiving Communion.  I trust this practice is fine? It’s not a common practice but I have seen it done at a Shrine in another diocese. Thank you for your response. == A: You may do that. Here’s a previous post: https://paulturner.org/using-patens/