Bishops and the zucchetto

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  When a bishop celebrates mass, why does he remove his zucchetto at the beginning of the eucharistic prayer until after communion? A:  Apparently, it is removed because of the real presence of Christ in the course of the mass. It parallels the custom of removing the zucchetto in the presence of the exposed Blessed Sacrament, even in processions, and in venerating or blessing with a relic of the true cross. On Good Friday, the cross is treated as if it were the real presence of Christ. The liturgical texts speak of “adoring” the cross, and the proper gesture of …

Reverence for the tabernacle

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  If I enter a church, and the tabernacle is not behind the altar but to the side, should I reverence the altar or genuflect to the tabernacle or both? A:  Upon entering a church, it’s appropriate to genuflect to the tabernacle before taking your place, especially if you are passing by it. Otherwise, it is sufficient to make a profound bow to the altar. Doing both is perfectly acceptable.

Major and minor exorcisms

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  Are the prayers of exorcism in the scrutinies the same as the minor exorcisms in the catechumenate stage? A:  No, the ones during the scrutiny are the major exorcisms, and the others are minor. The major exorcisms take place during mass, normally on the Third, Fourth and Fifth Sundays of Lent. The minor exorcisms may take place outside of mass, though they may also be done during mass. They may be part of an anointing with the oil of catechumens, or the catechumens’  dismissal from the mass. The minor exorcisms are done during the period of the catechumenate; that …

Exposing the Blessed Sacrament

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  It is the custom in our parish to expose the Blessed Sacrament before beginning Stations of the Cross.  After Stations, we have Benediction and Reposition.  Is this proper?  Can you give me some authority either way?  Thank you. A:  There are differing opinions on this, so I think you can make a case either way. The rite of eucharistic adoration outside mass permits readings, hymns and reflections during exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. But the period of adoration should keep its focus on the Blessed Sacrament. The two ceremonies could be combined, and some people do it, but it’s …

Processing with the Crucifix

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  Good Friday is the only day that we are not supposed to process in with the Crucifix, right?  Easter Vigil we are process in with Crucifix, correct? A:  On Good Friday the procession does not include the crucifix. For the Easter Vigil, the paschal candle replaces the crucifix in the opening procession.

Rite of Reception outside of mass

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q. Today I got a call from a parish that would like to do the Rite of Reception into Full Communion with a candidate outside of mass and not include the celebration of Confirmation.  The choice of the parish is to celebrate Confirmation and Eucharist with this individual at the Easter Vigil.  From all I have read today; doing it this way is not preferred.   What are your thoughts? A. A priest who receives a person into the church is obliged to confirm in the same ceremony.  The appropriate canons are 883 and 885. The first says in section 2 that a …

Blessing the font

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  In a previous post in regards to having no baptisms at the Easter Vigil in a parish church you referenced looking in the Missal at number 42 and then being invited to skip to 54 for the blessing… (In this case, I presume this to mean that you would use the blessing at 54 to bless the font) Would you process to the font with the paschal candle or without? A:  Thanks for asking this because I needed to clarify a couple of points on this. The liturgy considers three possible scenarios: The blessing of the font followed by …

Anointing on Holy Saturday

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  Forgive me for continuing on this topic, I should have been more clear on my original question.   When you mention preparation rites on Holy Saturday am I correct in interpreting that means the anointing cannot be performed at any time on Saturday, morning or afternoon ? Is the priest the only one who performs the anointings or can Deacon perform……and this would be on a date when the elect can be brought together to perform the anointings before Holy Week ?? A:  Correct.  The anointing cannot take place at any time on Holy Saturday. I suppose you could anoint …

RLDS baptism validity

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  Do you know whether RLDS aka Community of Christ baptisms are recognized as valid by the Catholic Church?  I think Mormons’ are not, but am not sure about the Reorganized Church of Latter Day Saints.  Please advise. A:  You are correct. For the invalidity of Mormon baptism, see this: The validity of the Community of Christ is therefore presumed.

Sanctus and Agnus Dei

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  Is it mandatory to chant the Sanctus and Agnus Dei during Lent or Advent? Our music director does this even though almost no one in the congregation does; I don’t think many of us know Latin well enough. A:  No, it’s not mandatory. Many places do it, but no Latin is ever required. GIRM 41 recommends that people learn how to sing the Creed and the Lord’s Prayer in Latin, but many churches sing the Sanctus and Agnus Dei instead.