Q: A bishop is celebrating his episcopal ordination anniversary on a Tuesday in Ordinary Time. He wants to celebrate a Stational Mass of the Diocesan Bishop, following Ceremonial of Bishops n. 120. In the Mass, the Deacon is to remove the Book of the Gospels from the altar (Ceremonial of Bishops, n. 140). But the published Book of the Gospels does not include the reading for that day. Is it possible for the bishop to comply with Ceremonial of Bishops? Is the only long term solution, to have a Book of the Gospels with a Gospel reading for every day of the year?
A: The introduction to the lectionary admits that the Book of the Gospels may not even be available in every place (36). Absent a copy of it—or the reading for a particular day—the other rubrics pertain.
I know of some cases where the parish has photocopied the gospel of the day and inserted it into the Book of the Gospels, but I think that detracts from authenticity.
I suppose a complete book is possible in the future, but it would be quite large and perhaps difficult to carry.