Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: I am an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, a commissioned Minister of Care and a commissioned Lector.  I was designated by our paster and other clergies, that if none of them are available to reposition the Blessed Sacrament after the adoration I need to do it.  My question is, is there anything special I need to do?  We sing Oh Sacrament Most Holy.. while I go genuflect and take out the luna and bring it to the tabernacle for reposition.  Will you please tell me if I am doing it correctly?  Thank you. == A: The appropriate liturgical book …


In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: A point of clarification, please – thanks!Recently in conversation, the question arose about the liturgical use of Alleluias in Eastertime.My understanding is this:   Liturgy of the Hours – in many, if not all antiphons throughout – for 50 days                                                 at Dismissal – only in Easter Octave days,                                                  and Pentecost itself (?) (incl. Vigil) (?)Mass – Entrance and Communion antiphons of the day – throughout the 50 days               Responsorial Psalm – as an option throughout the season               Dismissal – – only in Easter Octave days, and Pentecost itself (incl. Vigil)                                               (not for days in the season other than these…) Yes?  No? == A: In the …

Corpus Christi Processions

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: First, we need to have the bishop’s permission for Corpus Christi Processions correct? Even if they are just in our parish parking lot? Second, at Corpus Christi Processions I have been at in the past, at times the cleric carrying the Blessed Sacrament stops at table, places the monstrance down, incenses our Lord and/or does extra prayers there. Then either he or another cleric picks up the monstrance and the procession continues. What certain protocols do priests need to keep in mind if they want to carry this out as part of their Corpus Christi Procession? Additionally, what can …


In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: I no longer have my copy of your book. I do remember that you mentioned something about the phrase “”by sending down your Spirit upon them like the dewfall” I think you wrote that it came from an ancient prayer of the Eastern Church. Can you remind me? == A: If you go here and scroll down to Feb 2, 2011, you’ll find my talk on this theme. In my book, At the Supper of the Lamb I say more precisely that the 8th century Gothic Missal used the word in a eucharistic prayer for the Easter Vigil. So, not the Eastern …


In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Thanks for the presentation you made for the presbyterate of our diocese.  I had two follow-ups. I had asked you about concelebration and the need for a concelebrant to proclaim the gospel as this is a ministerial function, not a presidential one.  You indicated that he ought also do all of the spoken deacon roles: invitation to the sign of peace, dismissal, and to raise the chalice at the doxology. 1.  Is he also supposed to set the altar and prepare the chalice? 2.  Can you point me towards the document(s) that indicate all of this? Thanks very much for your important work. == …

Deacon vs Priest

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Who does what? When neither know their role. Who carries the Gospel in?  Who leads the Prayer of the Faithful? Who receives the Gifts and prepares the Altar?  In our parish it is a great confusion, and obvious disregard for the Instructions in the Roman Missal. Power may be at the heart. == A: The deacon carries the Book of the Gospels. The deacon lists the intentions in the prayer of the faithful. Both priest and deacon may receive the gifts, though the deacon prepares the altar. Sorry to hear about the confusion and disregard in your parish. In my …

Book of the Gospel

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: I always appreciate your insights, Fr. Paul. My question is multi-part, and concerns the Book of the Gospel.  First, I have noticed more and more that many people in the assembly will bow to the Book when it is shown during the Gospel procession.  Is this gesture toward the Book of the Gospel mentioned anywhere?  Should it be encouraged?  Discouraged?  The second part has to do with the practice of lifting the Book after the proclamation, and during the words “The Gospel of the Lord”.  Is these permitted?  And finally, there is a common practice of placing the Book …

Paschal candle

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Hello Fr. Paul, thank you for your patient and wise responses to the variety of liturgical questions posed to you. The Ordo mentions carrying the Paschal candle out after the Pentecost Mass as a sign that the Easter season is over. This seems like a negative view of a symbol which may have a positive connotation. Is it reasonable to think that with those tongues as of fire having settled on the heads of the assembly on Pentecost that the light of Christ has now settled on us as we follow that light in the recessional out into the …

Conclusion of the Collect

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,God, for ever and ever. Question 1:  The “God” in the third line, is it referring to Lord Jesus Christ [mentioned in the first line] OR is it referring to God the Father? Or is it referring to all three persons?  Question 2: “For ever and ever” in the third line, is it referring to the forever-ness of the second line OR is it referring to the forever-ness of God being God always? == A: Here’s a previous post: IMHO, …

Communion service outside of Mass

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: I received an email from our diocese in addition to a flyer for the book Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery Outside Mass. Could you explain what this book replaces and how to best utilize this? I assume we can use this for communion service outside of Mass, but I don’t typically use a book outside of the lectionary for the readings. I am a little confused as I see we must use this beginning with Advent in December, 2024. Thank you. == A: This replaces a book that has been in force since the 1970s but that …