Old Testament readings for a wedding

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Father, do you any suggestions on Old Testament readings for my son’s wedding? He asked me today about this. I would appreciate your suggestions.  God bless,  == A: How wonderful that your son is asking for your counsel on this! The recommended Old Testament readings for a Catholic wedding can be found here:  https://www.foryourmarriage.org/old-testament-readings/  . The commentaries on that web site were written by a friend of mine, and they’re good. But if you’re interested in my commentaries, you can find them here:  https://ltp.org/products/details/PWH

Revised RCIA / OCIA

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Good Afternoon Fr Paul, I am heading into a meeting shortly but was wondering if you knew more about the revised RCIA / OCIA. Do you know when we might anticipate its promulgation?   Trying to get things in line here and hoping you may have some insight. === A: The Vatican’s Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments has approved the new English translation for the US, and the USCCB’s Office of Divine Worship is now reviewing the text for any editorial corrections. From there, it will go to publishers, who will need several months to …

Crowning a statue of Mary

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Thank you for your continued time to make this blog possible and answer questions. Can you please clarify crowning a statue of Mary in church within a Sunday Mass? Is it allowed? I found two previous posts on in which you answered a similar question: “You may certainly incorporate crowning an image of the Virgin within a Mass. The Roman Pontifical envisions this possibility for a bishop. The crowning takes place after the homily.” == A: In popular piety, a child has placed a crown on an image of Mary within the context of a parish Mass. We don’t …

Repost: Old and new altar

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

I so very much appreciate your blog.  I don’t mind admitting that when it comes to liturgy I tend to think I know most things (or at least have a good sense of things) liturgical; but you make me think and re-think.  So thank you! I have 2 questions regarding an upcoming renovation of the interior of our church.  The old altar (specifically the lower but large remnant of the old altar) has remained looming in place even though unused for the last 60 years.  It is to be removed as part of the renovation. My first question is: is …


In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: I join the many other voices who appreciate your willingness to share with us. I had a question come up today.  We are planning a special procession and Adoration this summer.  The procession will end in a chapel which has very limited handicap accessibility.  The only way someone in a wheelchair or someone who cannot navigate steps can participate in the room with the Blessed Sacrament is to be behind the monstrance.  Picture a “church in the round” setting. Are there any liturgical restrictions that would prohibit people from being in adoration from behind the monstrance? == A: No, …


In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: For the first time our cantor led a setting of a Gloria with a refrain. One of my parishioners told me that was not permitted. Is she right? == A: Sing to the Lord 149 quotes the Bishops’ Committee on the Liturgy Policy for the Approval of Sung Settings of Liturgical Texts: “The addition of refrains to the Glory to God is permitted, provided the refrains encourage congregational participation.”

Graduation Mass

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Do you have any recommendation of a Ritual Mass or Various Needs and Occasions Mass to be used for a “Graduation Mass?” In the past we have used the readings of the day or similar readings  from the Children’s lectionary, which usually only has one reading, psalm and Gospel. I was asked if there was a way a second reading after the psalm could be done at this mass. Can second readings be arbitrarily added to the daily mass readings? Or instead, should a Ritual Mass or Various needs and Occasions mass be said in order for multiple readings …

Study group

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  Would you have a recommendation for a book, suitable for small group study, that identifies and explains the scriptural and/or historic source for phrases and components of the Mass? Something like viewing the Mass through a Bible Study lens? Most people are familiar with the Last Supper story and imagery, but “Melchizedek,” not so much. Or, maybe the direction to go would be a good solid survey of the Mass that we could supplement with an article or two? Thank you. == A:  Two of my books give biblical background to the parts of the Mass: At the Supper …

Candles for CCD Confirmation

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Is there any indication in the books concerning the use of candles for CCD Confirmation?  == A: No. Even at the Easter Vigil, candles are relighted after confirmation. There is a connection between baptism and confirmation, but it is primarily made through the renewal of promises rather than the lighting of candles.

Grail translation

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Here’s a question for your blog IFF it’s accurately predicated correctly (ie that the Lectionary and Office both use the Grail translation)……… To assist my Psalmists when singing the Responsorial Psalm at Sunday Mass, I use my copy of the Divine Office to point the verses for them; it helps them in finding an appropriate rhythm for the chant style that we generally use. However, I have noticed that there are sometimes slight variations in the text for the Psalm when comparing the Office and the Lectionary, even though I understood them to both come from the Grail translation.  …