Adoration of the Holy Cross

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: I recently had seminarians and priests ask us why does the Roman Missal say “Adoration of the Holy Cross” for Good Friday? After all we are taught that we only adore God and nothing else… why adore a cross? So, does the Roman Missal say ‘adore’ because of something to do with the translation from Latin or what is the reasoning for saying “Adoration of the Holy Cross”?Your insight is appreciated! == A: I treat this in my book Glory in the Cross. The Good Friday liturgy has used this language for centuries. You hear it even in the dialogue, …

Deacon master of ceremonies

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: My pastor asked me not to vest as a deacon if I was helping out as master of ceremonies at the Easter Vigil. Can’t I do both? == A: Yes, you may. Ceremonial of Bishops 36 foresees that a deacon master of ceremonies may vest as a deacon while carrying out the other duties for the Mass.

Baptism promises

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: I notice something of a conflict between the Roman Missal, local Ordo, and our missalette on the Easter day Renewal of Baptism Promises.  The Missal and Ordo describe this as optional…whereas the missalette refers to the Promise renewal as mandatory.  I side with the Missal and Ordo here, yes? == A: Your missalette is incorrect. The renewal of baptism promises is optional on Easter Day.

Masses of the Blessed Virgin Mary

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: As you know, there is a separate Missal-type book for Masses of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  Included within are some sets of Oration texts designed for use in the seasons, i.e., Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter.  Interestingly, our local Ordo does not seem to make any provision for this option, even on ferial seasonal Saturdays.  What gives? == A: The General Introduction to the Collection of Masses of the Blessed Virgin Mary sets up some guardrails. It’s primarily available for Marian shrines that receive pilgrimages, but then also in parishes for days such as Saturday Masses of the Blessed Virgin …

Rubrics in Eucharistic Prayer for Reconciliation

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: During Lent, I use the Eucharistic Prayers for  Reconciliation at Mass.  In the first of these, prayers, after the epiclesis and sign of the cross over bread and chalice, the rubric states that the priest joins his hands. They then stay joined from “Indeed, though we once were lost” until  the beginning of the institution narrative. It seems counterintuitive to pray these words with hands joined.  Is there an explanation or reason for this? == A: The simplest explanation is that you have begun the words of the institution narrative and consecration. GIRM 79 gives you the parts of …

Incensing the cross

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Hello, Fr Paul. Happy Easter to you! And thank you for always being patient and kind in your teaching. In this post: you wrote:  “In my view, if the cross is on the back wall, it’s easier to signify he’s incensing that cross if the priest turns to it first rather than when he pauses halfway around his circuit of the altar.” I agree because GIRM, 177(b), states: “The cross, if situated on the altar or near it, is incensed by the Priest before he incenses the altar…,” and on the back wall if only several feet behind …

Restored order

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Where is the USCCB on the “restored order” of the sacraments? I’m seeing articles about different dioceses implementing this, about 14 or so, and now a book by LTP on this subject. Is it presently up to each Ordinary? == A: I’m unaware of the USCCB saying anything on this. Here’s a post from a few years ago: The age of confirmation is up to each bishop.

Weddings on All Souls

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: This year, November 02, the Commemoration of All Souls, falls on a Saturday, which is a popular day for weddings. The question arises whether celebrations within Mass are permitted on this day or not. If so, then it is presumed that the Ritual Mass for Marriage may not be celebrated.  According to the Introduction to the Order of Celebrating Matrimony, “on those days listed in nos. 1-4 of the Table of Liturgical Days, the Mass of the day is used with its own readings, with inclusion of the Nuptial Blessing and, if appropriate, the proper formula for the final …

Designated communion minister

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Fr. Turner, thank you for your simple explanation of the GIRM and other liturgical documents. I often consult your book “Let Us Pray“, but was unable to find an answer to the following question. In our parish, after their line of communicants has received, eucharistic ministers then go to the back and distribute to those who were unable to walk to the front themselves. I recently had a man in line to receive Eucharist, request 2 hosts, so he could take one back to the pew for his wife. He seemed a little put out that I told him …


In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: I have seen Priests and Deacons serving as an MC; wearing a cassock and surplice then during the Eucharist prayer they put on a stole over. Is this correct? == A: I’ve seen some add a stole for the communion rite, rather than the eucharistic prayer. Either way, I’ve never seen any directives calling for this. It seems to me that either the MC is to act entirely as an MC without additional vesture, or a vested concelebrant or deacon assists as needed when there is no other MC, but that the roles are not conflated.