Q: What is your opinion regarding these two announcements from our Parish Bulletin. We have one monthly Sunday Children’s Mass. The Junior Lectors are assigned to regular weekend Masses. Is this permissible for such young children ( 3rd grade through 7th grade)? I thought that you had to be confirmed before becoming a Lector. Our children receive Confirmation in the Eighth grade. Thank you.
Children’s Masses: We are currently looking for children in grades 4 and 5 to serve as Lectors during the 9:30 a.m. children’s Masses. If your child is interested please contact,,,,,
A Jr. Lector is any student in grades 6-12 that would be interested in being a lector at Mass. This is a perfect opportunity for the youth of our parish to serve and be more engaged in the liturgy. All inquiries can be directed to,,,,,,,,
A: The only sacramental requirement on readers at mass is that they be Catholic (Directory for the Application of Principles and Norms on Ecumenism, 133). So the only sacrament required is baptism. Perhaps a diocese or parish has established a policy with more expectations, but there is nothing that forbids a person who has never been confirmed to serve as a reader at mass.