Communion given at Mass

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  That Communion given at Mass should be from bread consecrated at the Mass is something that many priests do not bother about. Although bread has been brought to the altar or on the altar in regard to weekday Mass, celebrants still go to the tabernacle for a ciborium with pre-consecrated Hosts, and then pour these pre-consecrated Hosts over those consecrated at the Mass and then give them to worshipers  or, on week-days in particular, although having consecrated Hosts from the Mass, get the ciborium from the tabernacle and distribute Communion from it and then and pour the Hosts consecrated at the Mass into the tabernacle ciborium at the end of Communion meaning that no one at the Mass received a Host consecrated at the Mass.

A:  I just gave a talk on this at the alumni reunion for Conception Seminary College. You can find the talk on my web site – .