Q: We have somebody who will be received into the Church at the Easter Vigil. They were baptised into the Church of England (Anglican) but they are struggling to get hold of their Baptism Certificate as the church has since closed. Therefore, they may need to receive a conditional Baptism.
If that is the case, do we use the alternative Psalm after the 7th Old Testament Reading and the Litany of Saints at the Easter Vigil.
A: Not sure what the procedure is in your diocese, but here we do not require baptismal certificates because they are sometimes nonexistent. We accept the testimony of people who were there, photos, recordings—anything.
I would avoid a conditional baptism at all costs. Do due diligence first. And remember that a conditional baptism has to be done in private, never at the Easter Vigil, and the format for it is to come at the direction of the bishop.