Q: As we pray for Pope Francis and his recovery of health, I want to be prepared for when a transition occurs. It was slightly different when Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI died in 2022, and before that it was JPII in 2005. Upon the death of a Pope until a new Pope is elected, what is to be said when the Pope is mentioned in the Eucharistic Prayer? And what other liturgical considerations need to be made?
Thank you in advance.
A: The custom is to omit the reference to the pope altogether and pray only for the local bishop.
Do include the repose of the soul of the pope in the prayer of the faithful. On days when a Mass for Various Needs and Occasions is permitted, such as a weekday in Ordinary Time, the fourth of those Masses is appropriate: “For the Election of a Pope or a Bishop.” And, on days permitted, a Mass of the Dead for the pope.
I join you in praying for the full recovery of Pope Francis.