Eucharistic species

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: A quick question regarding a small change from the old text to the new in HCWEMOM: In no. 6 of the introduction, the old text says that Christ is present “finally and above all in the eucharistic sacrament.” The new text replaces that with “…in the Eucharistic species.”

Is this a change made to the typical edition? That is, does the Latin of the first edition say the equivalent of “sacrament,” and that was changed to the Latin equivalent of “species” when the typical edition was revised? Or is this English translation simply a more careful translation, and the first edition of the Latin said something closer to “species” than “sacrament” and we’ve just fixed that?

Just wondering. Thank you, as always, for your patient and kind assistance. Respectfully.


A: There’s been no change to the typical edition. The revised English translation is more careful. Here’s how that phrase appears in Latin: “demum ac quidem maxime, sub speciebus eucharisticis.”