Q: What are your thoughts on the Gospel Procession? A friend of mine mentioned that in their parish, the procession of the gospel goes around the church to the ambo. Can they argue that in the GIRM it only mentions that it is from the altar to the ambo and did not say anything specific that it will be a short procession. What are your thoughts? Thank you and God bless.
The Directory for Masses with children specifies that in Masses with children 34:
The participation of at least some children in the procession with the Book of Gospels makes clearer the presence of Christ announcing the word to his people.
Will this suggest that a longer procession is permitted in this scenario?
A: I’d say yes. The DMC does not address the length of the procession route, but the suggestion for additional people opens the possibility.
On other occasions, a longer route could add solemnity. Still, it should look as though you have a destination in mind–not as though you’ve lost your way.