Q: Why is intinction at Holy Communion not permitted for the whole congregation? It seems inconsistent that concelebrating priests may do so
but not the remainder of God’s worshipping People. Is there any move to review GIRM to permit intinction particularly as sharing of the chalice
is no longer a safe practice in the face of Covid and other virus?
Is it acceptable to consecrate multiple small chalices for single use (not thinking of a large congregation)?==
A: The GIRM doesn’t explain, but it seems to be making a distinction based on the importance of receiving communion—and not taking communion. The priest gives communion to himself, but everyone else receives from him or another minister. A priest may receive in by intinction by himself, but others do not.
I know of no review of the GIRM underway.
It is not acceptable to consecrate multiple small chalices for single use. I suspect the concern here relates to the proper purification of all those vessels.