Introductory formula

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: I hope this email finds you well. I may have previously asked you this question, so I apologize if it is a repeat. In teaching a group of young people (under the age of 12) in how to lead communal prayer, and wanting them to have an experience of leading prayer, would it be appropriate to offer the following dialogue as an option for an introductory formula, since it is not liturgy?

Aren’t these words biblical? So is it appropriate for laity, outside of a church setting, not in a liturgy, to use this or not?Thank you so much!

The introductory formula may be chosen from the following:
• The Lord be with you.
And with your spirit.

• The peace of the Lord be always with you.
And with your spirit.

Grace, peace, and good health to you, Fr. Paul~


A: It’s biblical. You’re in a non-liturgical setting. It seems that rites such as bringing communion to the sick and conducting a vigil for the deceased permit it.

But the dialogue developed as one led by clergy mainly because of the reply. Another option for a lay minister is just to say, “Good Morning.”