Introductory Rites for Mass on the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Fr. Paul, the Roman Missal indicates that after the arriving at the altar (during the Entrance Chant), the priest puts on a chasuble, and then after the Gloria prays the Collect.   

Anticipating an upcoming meeting about the liturgy on this day, is the Penitential Act to be omitted?  Or is it simply not mentioned because it is assumed that Mass will proceed as normal after the Entrance Chant, and the Gloria is simply mentioned because it is a Feast?


A: My reading of it is that the penitential act is omitted.

In Latin, the sentence in no. 8 that mentions the Gloria is part of the previous sentence, which gives it a more complete feel.

Furthermore, where the Ceremonial of Bishops describes the actions of the bishop when he uses incense at this Mass (247), it says, “the introductory rites of the Mass are omitted, and after the signing of the Gloria, the bishop sings or says the opening prayer….”