Q: The parish where I’m newly assigned as pastor has lay communion services while I’m away and typically on my day off. Does a bishop have to permit the lay faithful to do this? Also if they do lead one do they do the same rite as a Deacon or is there a particular lay rite that they would follow in the absence of a Deacon. Thanks so much!
A: A delegated extraordinary minister of holy communion has the capacity for leading communion services, so no extra permission from the bishop is required.
The ceremony is found in Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharist Outside Mass. Surprisingly, it’s a book missing from many parish sacristies, even though it is essential for this service and for benediction and for the administration of viaticum by a lay person. A deacon would use the same book for a communion service in the parish.
ICEL has completed a revised English translation, and the USCCB has received the recognitio from Rome, but I’m told it’ll be next spring before we see the revised book.