Q: Greetings from Downunder.
I read with piqued interest your recent reflection about the inclusion of Book of Judges extracts in the Lectionary. I did so in view of trying recently to break open this section of God’s Word with parishioners, a number of whom are growing thankfully in their familiarity with the Bible by studying, discussing and praying with it.
Is there a scholarly text or two you can recommend about the logic used in compiling the current and the pending Lectionary?
Please also advise the status of a revised Lectionary, especially for Australia.
Thanks for your ongoing and outstanding contribution to matters liturgical. Blessings.
A: Congratulations on providing good biblical formation for your people.
I can recommend Normand Bonneau’s book, The Sunday Lectionary: Ritual Word, Paschal Shape.
If you want something scholarly, Annibale Bugnini’s The Reform of the Liturgy 1948-1975 is an indispensable resource. On the development of the lectionary in particular, there is Elmar Nübold’s Entstehung und Bewertung des neuen Perikopenordnung des Römischen Ritus für die Meßfeier an Sonn- und Festtagen
I am working on a book on this theme, but it won’t be in print for a couple of years.