Q: I am trying to identify the feast day for St. Dominic Savio who is the namesake for one of our district schools. I thought it to be the date of his death but others suggest a date in May or even October. I am wondering if you can bring some clarity to this subject. In Canada, is it March 9, March 10, May 6 or October 9? Or some other date that I don’t know about. We like to recognize our schools on the date of their patron’s feast day, hence the question.
By the way, I use your Pastoral Companion to he Roman Missal and find it to be a wonderful resource.
A: Thanks for your comments on my book.
I have the latest edition of the Roman Martyrology, which has been revised twice since the Council, and does not yet exist in English. ICEL is at work on it, but it is a tedious project, yet one that will benefit many people, such as those wondering when is the feast of their patron saint.
The martyrology lists Dominic Savio as the seventh of eight entries for March 9.