Memoriae to feast

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  I have a question re the elevation of a memoriae to a feast. Our bishop is interested in requesting that two local saints’ days be designated as feasts in the Diocese rather than as memoriae as in the calendar now. There is a strong, local devotion; so, I believe that we have a strong case. In fact, I am currently putting a case together for this request. I think it is correct that we would need to submit this to Rome. Do you know the correct address or is there an email (I could not find one on the website). Thanks for any help with this: it is a first for me! Renewed thanks for your books and the blog!


A:  I received a similar question last year from an episcopal conference  I think the basic advice applies: Have your bishop make a formal request to the following:

Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments

Piazza Pio XII, 10

00120 Vatican City State


I’m not sure why they don’t publish an email address on their site. Perhaps they get plenty of email already.