

Dying and Rising This series explores the Catholic view on death, dying and rising with Christ.  In his episode, Fr. Paul underscores the relationship between Baptism, Death and Rising to a new life.
Beethoven Walks into a Bar This concert series mentions the Cathedral and Fr. Paul in episode 4.
 Priest, Haydn & Good Friday “Keeping Score” is joined by Father Paul of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in a discussion on Haydn’s Lenten tone poem – “The Seven Last Words of Christ”.
Sharing the Triduum “Ministry Monday” – Fr. Paul shares liturgical considerations and opportunities that are present in clustered communities.
The RCIA Journey and Music Ministry “Ministry Monday” –  Fr. Paul talks about the RCIA, in all of its subtleties and depth, and how pastoral musicians can be a part of that journey.