Precious Blood

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Thank you for your untiring effort to help us to celebrate the liturgy well.

Speaking of intinction, I know of two priests who, when they preside, often dip the host into the Precious Blood before consuming it—that is, they often consume by intinction—and then pick up the  chalice to drink the Precious Blood.  (Yes, they consume by intinction, and then still consume from the chalice.)  Sometimes, when they dip the host into the chalice, it looks like they are fishing for something, and I have come to think that they are trying to fish out the particle of the host that they mingled with the Precious Blood.

What can a deacon say to a priest?  (That was a rhetorical question.)

Thank you again.  God bless you.


A: Very odd practice. Here’s a previous post:

A deacon may ask a priest how he squares his practice with the GIRM.

Blessings on your ministry.