Profession of faith certificate

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  What wording could be used for a “Profession of Faith” Certificate for children under the age of reason whose parents either become Catholic or are returning to the Catholic Church.  

A:  The question concerns a child validly baptized as an infant in another Christian congregation, and whose parents (one or both of whom are Catholic) now wish him/her to be known as a Catholic. As I understand it, the child is not making a profession of faith, but the parents are declaring that they want their child to be received into the full communion of the Catholic Church.

Here is wording that could be used on a certificate, based on a suggestion from one of the pastors in my diocese:

Pat Doe

[son/daughter/ward] of  Jack Doe  & Jane (Smith) Doe

was born on [m/d/y]  in City, State   and baptized on [m/d/y]

at [the name of non-Catholic church of baptism]  in City, State.

At the request of his [parents/guardians],

stating [in a letter dated m/d/y] [in my presence on m/d/y]  that they want their [son/daughter] to be received into the full communion of the Catholic Church,

this information was recorded in the [baptismal/reception] register of [name of parish] on [m/d/y].

__________________________________            ____________

Father George Bergoglio, Pastor                                             Date

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