Q: I minister to a Catholic Primary school, 5-12 year old, 125 in total. The school comes to a weekday mass fortnightly and participates at mass with approx. 16 other parishioners including some parents/carers.
How much liberty exists to alter the Mass Readings including substituting and /or shortening the scripture. What are the implications for various liturgical seasons and other occasions?
I appreciate the Ordo is a guide in this regard. I assume ad libitum days allow for greater flexibility.
Teachers are conscientiously asking can they choose a reading/s that correspond with units of work/curriculum being studied and thus strengthen the link between the classroom and the liturgy.
Do you have other suggestions for celebrating children’s Eucharists, especially given many of the children are not Catholic.
A: For children’s liturgies, go here: https://adoremus.org/2007/12/31/Directory-for-Masses-With-Children/. I’ve integrated many of these points in my book Let Us Pray. The congregation you describe would fit the directives for masses with children, which permit changing and abridging readings and prayers.