Readings for Christmas

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Is it possible to choose one of the set of readings from Christmas Night, Dawn or Day and use it instead at the Christmas Eve Mass for Purposes of easiness and safety in printing only one set of worship aids during still this pandemic time in which we are in?


A: Look in volume I of the lectionary at #13, and see the heading for the Christmas Vigil Masses. It says that these readings may be used on December 24 before or after First Vespers.

Then it says “The texts that follow may also be used for Masses on Christmas Day, with the option of choosing from one or other of the three sets of readings according to the pastoral needs of each congregation.” The the Latin typical edition, that permission comes AFTER the December 24 readings, and is therefore clearly referring to the Masses of Christmas Day.

So, yes, even without a pandemic, you may use one set of readings instead of three.