Reception into Full Communion

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: I have a question.  Can you recommend a good resource, book or articles, for the theology and practice that grounds Reception into Full Communion for children? Specifically, we are wrestling with working with children 7 or older who are baptized outside the Catholic Church whose parents and/or they are seeking Reception into Full Communion.

What has been done here and many other places is a Profession of Faith and then the children are placed with their peers, usually separating First Eucharist and Confirmation.


A: I can’t think of anything that tackles exactly that question. There should be something! I did this article many years ago, which may help:

I am at work on a book about candidates, and I can address the issue of children—but it’ll be next year before it sees the light of day.

As you know, children of catechetical age who were validly baptized in another denomination, like adults, are to be received with confirmation and first communion all in the same ceremony.