Q: Liturgical question for you. I’ve looked high and low, and all I find is info in the GIRM which isn’t the info I’m seeking. Is there a directive from ICEL or USCCB on approved texts for use as Responsorial Psalms? I know [think] that many different translations are approved, including the Grail, revised Grail, and other translations used in metered psalms (Joncas/Haugen) types. How far away from the original text is approved? Example, ‘Shepherd Me, O God’ is in that grey area…as are some of the other metered psalms.
I love official documents in my arsenal to help make liturgical decisions (and to have at the ready when someone tries to tell me what the only appropriate option is).
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
A: Here’s a previous post: https://paulturner.org/exact-lectionary-text-psalm/