Q: We will be celebrating the Rite of Election (and Calling to Continuing Conversion) within Mass. When I look up the propers for the First Sunday of Lent, I find this rubric:
On this Sunday is celebrated the rite of “election” or “enrollment of names” for the catechumens who are to be admitted to the Sacraments of Christian Initiation at the Easter Vigil, using the proper prayers and intercessions as given below, pp. 1119-1120.
But, when I turn to the referenced pages, I see this one:
The rite of “election” or “enrollment of names” for catechumens who are to be admitted to the Sacraments of Christian Initiation at the Easter Vigil should be celebrated during the Mass of the First Sunday of Lent (pp. 216-219). If, for pastoral reasons, it is celebrated apart from this Sunday, the Mass that follows may be used with the color violet on any day except those listed in nos. 1-4 of the Table of Liturgical Days. The Mass of the Friday of the Fourth Week of Lent may also be used (p. 254).
So, which is it? It sounds as if the Mass for Lent Sunday 1 if celebrated on that day, and the ritual Mass if celebrated on another day. Is that right? Or… is it 3 proper prayers from the ritual mass and everything else from Lent 1?
A: Here’s a previous post: https://paulturner.org/rite-election-mass/
I also notice that the first Sunday of Lent directs you to the “prayers and intercessions” of the Rite of Election later in the missal. I have no idea what those intercessions are.
You’ll also see some relevant information in the Ceremonial of Bishops 410.
I really think that the Ritual Mass is covering a situation where the Rite of Election is taking place apart from the First Sunday of Lent. And the First Sunday of Lent is guiding you to the proper prayers for the Rite of Election Mass when it is celebrated on that day.