Ritual masses

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: After reading “Sacred Times” can I conclude this about the ritual masses that are forbidden in certain occasions. When the liturgical books say that in such or such other occasion, the ritual mass is forbidden, does it mean that:
1. The Mass can anyway be celebrated, provided that the readings of the day (not the readings of the ritual Mass) are considered;
2. The rite, like funeral, can be celebrated outside of Mass?

Thank you very much for your help.


A: You are correct.

1. For example, you may celebrate a wedding at Mass on the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart, but the readings and prayers are those of the solemnity, not those of the wedding.

2. When a funeral Mass is forbidden, the funeral may be celebrated outside of Mass. This pertains, for example, on a holyday of obligation. The implication is that people who attend the funeral should also be coming to Mass the same day.