Q: I am wondering about the Sacrament of Baptism. I am aware of a church who does the Reception of a Child or Children in the front after the Gathering Song. The presider then does the normal introduction/greeting/penitential rite and Glory to God after he goes to his chair and the family remains for Mass.
The rest of the sacrament is not performed until after Mass. I’m just wondering if this is right and/or allowed. I can’t seem to find anything that speaks on something of this nature.
A: The Rite of Baptism for Children explains how to baptize at mass in paragraph 29, but it doesn’t give many details. It says that the greeting and penitential act are omitted from the beginning and that the baptism follows the Universal Prayer (general intercessions).
I’ve just learned that the revised Order of Baptism for Children in the US has been approved by the Vatican, and the new edition is expected to have better instructions for baptisms at mass. But for now RBC 29 is the place to find the answers.