Q: I hope and pray that this email finds you well. I’ve been enjoying your posts on Facebook, especially your sharing of your playing various compositions. They being me joy and challenge me to practice more.
I am preparing to teach a class on the Sacrament of the Sick. I know that there are no longer texts for Presidential Prayers, a Preface, or inserts for EPs I, II, III in the Roman Missal, 3rd edition. Does that mean that the texts in the Pastoral Care of the Sick, may no longer be used during the Ritual Mass for Anointing within Mass? My understanding was/is that until a new edition of the PCS is promulgated, the current edition is in force. Is that correct? I’d be happy for any guidance you can offer me.
A: Thanks for your comments about my FB posts. They’re on my YouTube page as well.
Regarding the Sacrament of the Sick, the texts in Pastoral Care of the Sick are still in force. Consequently, the preface and inserts to the eucharistic prayers may be used.
Blessings on you and your multiple ministries.