
In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: I always enjoy and appreciate your publications.  There is one correction I’d like to suggest, which shows I read the footnotes.  This has to do with the word “schematas.” I believe “schemata” is already plural and “schema” is the singular form.  I hate to be a stickler about this, but you are always so cautious and exact about your writing.  “Schematas” is like “cannellonis.”


A: Ahh, you indeed have a careful eye. I wish the same were true of those who wrote the schemas/schemata/schematas. My footnotes reflect exactly the word that appears at the head of each document. Sometimes it’s in the singular. Sometimes in the plural. I don’t ever recall the writers using the word “schemata” as a plural, even though it is. While researching my book Eucharistic Reservation, I found the widest discrepancy in the use of the word, so I just shrugged my shoulders and footnoted what I saw.