Q: Good Day Fr. Paul. Thank you for your ministry to all of us, which helps us trend toward right and worthy worship. Two quick questions:
Am I correct in that selecting a Date for the Dedication of an Altar and Church should steer clear of Solemnities and Feasts that would therefore regularly displace the subsequent celebration Anniversaries of the Dedication?
Can we select a Sunday in Ordinary Time for the Dedication (for practical reason that more parishioners would be able to participate); and if so, would the Readings and Proper Prayers be for that Sunday or for the Dedication of an Altar and Church?
Again, thank you for everything!
A: Thanks for your comments on my work.
According to the Table of Liturgical Days, the dedication of a church and its anniversary rank at 4b, and the solemnity of the title of the church ranks at 4c. No church may therefore be dedicated on a day in ranks 1 through 3 on the table. Here’s a previous post: https://paulturner.org/church-dedication/
The dedication anniversary will replace the observance of anything ranked 4 through 13.
You may select a Sunday in Ordinary Time for the dedication, but pay attention to the date. That date will become the anniversary, not the Sunday in Ordinary Time. And the anniversary will replace any feast that may sit there for the entire future life of the parish.
At the dedication Mass, you choose the readings for the Dedication of a Church.
I cover all this and more in my book New Church, New Altar, and a companion book for personal reflection of those anticipating such a celebration, Our Church, Our Altar.
You’ll also find helpful information in my book Sacred Times.