St. Blaise Blessing and pets

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: After Mass on Monday a woman asked to borrow the St. Blaise candles so she could bless her dying pet at home.  Of course St. Blaise was known for healing animals.  Is this permissible?


A: There’s no provision for administering the St. Blaise blessing on animals.

However, the Book of Blessings and Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers both include blessings for animals, which may be administered by a layperson.

And, of course, a layperson could bring candles for the blessing at Mass on February 2, and bring them home to use for prayer.

And the prayer of blessing of throats at the intercession of St. Blaise may be administered by a layperson.

I’m sure the woman’s intentions are sincere, based on love for her pet and her delight in the devotions of the church. Although someone could make a case that she could do it, blessing an animal’s throat does not fit the tradition for St. Blaise’s Day, and the church provides other prayers that are more fitting to bless animals.