Q: If there are two tabernacles in the church, one on the Sanctuary behind the altar, and another one in an adoration chapel in a separate room adjacent to church, can one be used only for remainder of consecrated hosts to be distributed later, and the other one for the consecrated host only to be used for exposition, adoration, and benediction? Thank you.
A: Take a look at “Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharist Outside Mass“, which says in paragraph 10 that ordinarily there should be only one tabernacle in a church.
Same book, look at paragraph 5, which says that the primary and original reason for tabernacles is to provide communion as viaticum to the dying. Secondarily, we reserve hosts for giving communion and for adoration of Christ present in the sacrament.
Ideally, there should be only one tabernacle, not two. If for some reason there needs to be two, I suppose you could designate each for separate purposes. But the primary reason for reserving the Blessed Sacrament is to bring communion to those who are dying. That purpose should be clear.