Q: I know that you have talked about the new Rite of Marriage and I am wondering when the other rites will be updated, i.e. Reconciliation, Baptism, Holy Orders and Anointing of the Sick?
A: The rites are all on separate timetables.
- Exorcism and the dedication of a church and altar should be released soon. But “soon” is very hard to define.
- The ordination ceremonies are the farthest along. It’s possible we’ll see them within a couple of years.
- The rites of baptism for adults and infants are in the works, but will be another 3-4 years before we see them, I think.
- The Liturgy of the Hours could take a little longer.
- The rites of reconciliation and anointing of the sick are barely out of the starting blocks. It will be a while.