Q: Thank you for your hard work!
While reading through some rubrics for Bapistms, I noticed the Church gives the option to wear an alb or surplice with stole and cope. Yet, for Mass, a priest must wear an alb and not a surplice. Why can’t a priest where a suplice for Mass but he can for other celebrations of the sacraments. Also, is it correct to assume a priest wears a cassock with the surplice or does he wear regular clerical shirts (that seems silly in my opinion, but it is worth asking)? Thanks!
A: The origins for the vesture of Catholic ministers is locked in the labyrinths of history, but vesture for Mass is different from all other services because of the unique quality of the celebration. At an ordination, the first action the new priest does is to put on the proper vestments: stole and chasuble. He wears them for Mass (and for the Passion on Good Friday), but otherwise he leaves the chasuble in the sacristy.
The surplice is not an appropriate vestment for Mass.
It is presumed that a surplice is worn over a cassock or a religious habit.