Q: I have a couple who wants to have a wedding on NEW YEAR’s EVE, which is Friday Dec. 31, 2021 in the evening at around 7 PM. I need to know if it is a Holy Day of Obligation on Saturday, Jan. 1, 2022. If it is not, I could do the wedding on Friday evening and I presume use readings for the Nuptial Mass, no? Do you know if Jan. 1 will or will not be considered a Holy Day of Obligation?
A: January 1 is not a holyday in the United States when it falls on a Saturday.
Since it is not a day of precept, you have a choice for that Friday night wedding. You may use the readings and prayers of the wedding Mass. Or, if the couple wanted, you could use the readings and prayers for the solemnity of Mary the Mother of God. Most couples would not take that second option, but you never know. The readings could work for them.