Title |
Where and When |
The Mass and the Paschal Mystery | Cathedral RCIA on 23 December 2018. |
The O Antiphons | St. Mark Advent Parish Mission on 17 December 2018. |
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Sick and Homebound | 2018 Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph on 4 December 2018. |
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion | 2018 Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on 1 December 2018. |
My Sacrifice and Yours | St. Mary’s Abbey Church in Morristown, NJ on 28 November 2018. |
Mary and the Saints | Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on 18 November 2018. |
Mary in the Bible An Interrelgious Presentation on Mother Mary | Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on 30 October 2018. |
Praying at Mass | St. Catherine of Siena Parish in Kansas City, MO on 27 October 2018. |
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Sick and Homebound | Training session for the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph on 24 October 2018. |
RICA Formación de Directores en el Rito de Elección | La Diócesis de Kansas City-St. Joseph – 23 Octubre 2018. |
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion | Training session at St. Teresa’s Academy in Kansas City on 7 October 2018. |
The Vision of Music at Mass | Annunciation Parish in Kearney, MO on 25 September 2018. |
My Sacrifice and Yours | Training session for Cathedral Liturgical Ministers at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on August 22 & 28. |
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion – Excerpts for Seminarians | 2018 Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on 4 August. |
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion | 2018 Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph at Our Lady of Lourdes, Harrisonville on 28 July. |
RCIA Directors Formation on the Rite of Election |
Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph – June 30, 2018. |
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion | 2018 Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph at St. Therese Parish – 2 June 18. |
Giving and Receiving Communion | Southeast Kansas City Serra Club – 8 May 2018. |
The Pastoral Qualities of the Deacon | Deacon Formation Program 2200 – 5 May 2018. |
Guide for Deacons | Deacon Formation Program 2200 – 5 May 2018. |
Book of Blessings | Deacon Formation Program 2200 – 5 May 2018. |
Canta Al Señor En La Liturgia | La Diócesis de Kansas City-S. José – 28 Abril 2018. |
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion | 2018 Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph – 21 April 18. |
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion for the Sick and Homebound | 2018 Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph – 14 April 18. |
My Sacrifice and Yours | Priests of the Diocese of Savannah – 10 April 2018. |
The Rite of Penance | Priests of the Diocese of Savannah – 10 April 2018. |
The Rite of Baptism for Children | Priests of the Diocese of Savannah – 10 April 2018. |
The Rite of Penance | Deacon Formation Program 2200 – 7 April 2018. |
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion | 2018 Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph – 24 March 18. |
The Rite of Penance | Priests of the Diocese of KCSJ – Chrism Day of Reflection – 22 March 18. |
Holy Week | St. Bartholomew, Windsor MO – 21 March 18. |
Wholly Weak or Holy Week? | Cathedral Young Adults – Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception – 18 March 2018. |
Liturgy and Evangelization: Ministering Beyond the Mass |
St. Joseph Church in Levenworth KS – 10 March 2018. |
Holy Week | Deacon Formation Program 2200 – 3 March 2018. |
My Sacrifice and Yours | St. Catherine of Siena, Kansas City – 24 February 2018. |
Holy Week and Triduum | KCSJ Deacon Candidates Practicum – 17 February 2018. |
RCIA – Purification, Enlightenment, Mystagogy | Deacon Formation Program 2200 – 3 February 2018. |
RCIA – Catechumenate | Deacon Formation Program 2200 – 3 February 2018. |
RCIA – Precatechumenate | Deacon Formation Program 2200 – 3 February 2018. |
RCIA – The Rite of Reception | Deacon Formation Program 2200 – 3 February 2018. |
Exorcism in the Catholic Church | Holy Spirit and Martin Luther Churches – 31 January 2018. |
Holy Hour and Mass with the Bishop | Deacon Practicum – Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph – 27 January 2018. |
My Sacrifice and Yours | St. Charles Borromeo, Kansas City – 24 January 2018. |
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion | 2018 Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph – 16 January 2018. |
Mass | Diocesan Study Week; Diocese of Erie – 11 January 2018. |
Funerals | Diocesan Study Week; Diocese of Erie – 10 January 2018. |
Matrimony | Diocesan Study Week; Diocese of Erie – 10 January 2018. |
Baptism of Children | Diocesan Study Week; Diocese of Erie – 9 January 2018. |
Purification, Enlightenment, Mystagogy | Diocesan Study Week; Diocese of Erie – 9 January 2018. |
Catechumenate | Diocesan Study Week; Diocese of Erie – 8 January 2018. |
Precatechumenate | Diocesan Study Week; Diocese of Erie – 8 January 2018. |