
Where and When

The Mass and the Paschal Mystery Cathedral RCIA on 23 December 2018. 
The O Antiphons St. Mark Advent Parish Mission on 17 December 2018. 
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Sick and Homebound 2018 Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph on 4 December 2018.  
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 2018 Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on 1 December 2018. 
My Sacrifice and Yours St. Mary’s Abbey Church in Morristown, NJ on 28 November 2018.  
Mary and the Saints Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on 18 November 2018. 
             Mary in the Bible               An Interrelgious  Presentation on Mother Mary Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on 30 October 2018.  
Praying at Mass St. Catherine of Siena Parish in Kansas City, MO on 27 October 2018. 
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Sick and Homebound Training session for the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph on 24 October 2018.
RICA Formación de Directores en el Rito de Elección La Diócesis de Kansas City-St. Joseph – 23 Octubre 2018. 
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Training session at St. Teresa’s Academy in Kansas City on 7 October 2018. 
The Vision of Music at Mass Annunciation Parish in Kearney, MO on 25 September 2018. 
My Sacrifice and Yours Training session for Cathedral Liturgical Ministers at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on August 22 & 28. 
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion – Excerpts for Seminarians 2018 Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on 4 August. 
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 2018 Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph at Our Lady of Lourdes, Harrisonville on 28 July. 
RCIA Directors Formation
on the Rite of Election
Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph – June 30, 2018
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 2018 Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph at St. Therese Parish – 2 June 18.
Giving and Receiving Communion Southeast Kansas City Serra Club – 8 May 2018. 
The Pastoral Qualities of the Deacon Deacon Formation Program 2200 – 5 May 2018. 
Guide for Deacons Deacon Formation Program 2200 – 5 May 2018. 
Book of Blessings Deacon Formation Program 2200 – 5 May 2018.
Canta Al Señor En La Liturgia La Diócesis de Kansas City-S. José  – 28 Abril 2018. 
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 2018 Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph – 21 April 18. 
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion for the Sick and Homebound 2018 Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph – 14 April 18. 
My Sacrifice and Yours Priests of the Diocese of Savannah – 10 April 2018. 
The Rite of Penance Priests of the Diocese of Savannah – 10 April 2018. 
The Rite of Baptism for Children Priests of the Diocese of Savannah – 10 April 2018. 
The Rite of Penance Deacon Formation Program 2200 – 7 April 2018. 
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 2018 Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph – 24 March 18. 
The Rite of Penance Priests of the Diocese of KCSJ – Chrism Day of Reflection – 22 March 18. 
Holy Week St. Bartholomew, Windsor MO – 21 March 18. 
Wholly Weak or Holy Week? Cathedral Young Adults – Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception – 18 March 2018.
Liturgy and Evangelization:
Ministering Beyond the Mass  
St. Joseph Church in Levenworth KS – 10 March 2018. 
Holy Week Deacon Formation Program 2200 – 3 March 2018. 
My Sacrifice and Yours St. Catherine of Siena, Kansas City – 24 February 2018.
Holy Week and Triduum KCSJ Deacon Candidates Practicum – 17 February 2018.
RCIA –  Purification, Enlightenment, Mystagogy Deacon Formation Program 2200 – 3 February 2018.
RCIA – Catechumenate Deacon Formation Program 2200 – 3 February 2018. 
RCIA – Precatechumenate Deacon Formation Program 2200 – 3 February 2018. 
RCIA – The Rite of Reception Deacon Formation Program 2200 – 3 February 2018. 
Exorcism in the Catholic Church Holy Spirit and Martin Luther Churches – 31 January 2018. 
Holy Hour and Mass with the Bishop Deacon Practicum – Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph – 27 January 2018. 
My Sacrifice and Yours St. Charles Borromeo, Kansas City – 24 January 2018. 
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 2018 Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph – 16 January 2018. 
Mass Diocesan Study Week; Diocese of Erie – 11 January 2018. 
Funerals Diocesan Study Week; Diocese of Erie – 10 January 2018. 
Matrimony Diocesan Study Week; Diocese of Erie – 10 January 2018. 
Baptism of Children Diocesan Study Week; Diocese of Erie – 9 January 2018. 
Purification, Enlightenment, Mystagogy Diocesan Study Week; Diocese of Erie – 9 January 2018. 
Catechumenate Diocesan Study Week; Diocese of Erie – 8 January 2018. 
Precatechumenate Diocesan Study Week; Diocese of Erie – 8 January 2018.