
In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  It has been suggested by our Worship Committee that the Presider or Cantor deliver the weekly announcements after the Prayers of the Faithful and right before the Procession of Gifts. This feels like a  kind of “commercial break.”  I suppose it reaches those who must leave Mass early but not sure that is a good enough reason.  Thank you.


A:  I’ve treated the place of announcements in my book Let Us Pray.

They are to be made after the prayer after communion. See OM 140, GIRM 90a, 166, and 184.

The Introduction to the Lectionary for Mass, which is more interested in keeping them out of the homily, states it more strongly: “they must take place following the prayer after communion” (27).

In my parish, whenever we have a second collection, the cantor announces its purpose after the Prayer of the Faithful and before beginning the hymn. Other announcements wait for the end.