Women and Feet Washing

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul TurnerLeave a Comment

Q:  Is it a rule that women are banned from having their feet washed at the Holy Thursday service?  And if so, since when? A:  The Roman Missal says that males may have their feet washed. It has said the same thing ever since the missal was revised after the Second Vatican Council. Many parishes allow women to have their feet washed at the Mass of the Lord’s Supper out of a spirit of service.  I treated this in more detail in two of my books:  “In These or Similar Words” and “Glory in the Cross”.  

The Emmaus Story

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul TurnerLeave a Comment

Q:  Do you know the history of the Emmaus story in the lectionary?  Would it have been read during the dies in albis in the early church as it is now? A:  We don’t have enough information about the use of the Emmaus story early on. It did not play a role in the preconciliar lectionary, from what I can see.  And the early mystagogical catecheses (which predate the earliest “lectionary”) do not imply that the Emmaus story was proclaimed that week. But who knows? The story appears twice in today’s Easter lectionary – once as an option for the …

Covering crosses on Palm Sunday

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul TurnerLeave a Comment

Q:  The rubrics for the 5th Sunday of Lent provide the option of veiling crosses and statues. The crosses are unveiled on Good Friday and the images unveiled before the Vigil.   If a parish chooses to cover crosses, how does this take into consideration the rubric for Palm Sunday that states the processional cross should be decorated? A:  There is no clear answer to this from the rubrics, so one has to use one’s judgment. The veiling of crosses and statues is optional, even if the conference of bishops permits it. (The US Conference does.) It would also be …

Scrutinies explained

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul TurnerLeave a Comment

Q:  I’m writing to ask you a favor on behalf of a student of mine in the seminary.  He’s trying to write a paper for his Sacraments of Initiation class on exorcisms and the scrutinies and asked me where he might find them explained in a more detail. Would you have any suggested resources that this student might check out?  Perhaps something of your own writing?  Any thoughts you may have, Paul, would be greatly appreciated. A:  I’ve treated scrutinies in my book Celebrating Initiation: A Guide for Priests. I have a historical overview of all the rites in The …

Can a deacon baptize at the vigil?

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul TurnerLeave a Comment

Q:  One of our pastors has been very ill, in the hospital, for the past month or so. He is just now recovering, and is planning to celebrate the Easter Vigil for his parish community. He would like to know if it would be allowed for one of his deacons to baptize the elect, and then HE (the pastor) will confirm those folks immediately at the same liturgy. It is an issue of conserving his energy, I believe. Is this allowed? I confess I’m very unsure, but I am assuming it is NOT.  Your assistance is much appreciated. A:  The …

Go in Peace, Alleluia

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul TurnerLeave a Comment

Q:  When would we stop saying the Mass is ended go in Peace, Alleluia (3x)? I see other Deacons stop at first two weeks. A:  You add 2 alleluias to the dismissal on the Easter Vigil, Easter Sunday, and every day during the octave of Easter, as well as on the Second Sunday of Easter. Then the double alleluia is omitted until Pentecost. You use it again for the Pentecost Vigil and Pentecost Sunday for the last time.

Is venial sin forgiven at mass?

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul TurnerLeave a Comment

Q:  I recently attended a diocesan training where it was said twice that sin is not forgiven in the Mass. This is contrary to what I have been taught, that venial sin is forgiven in the Mass. So either my priest is wrong or the speaker was wrong. The speaker was unable to provide resources due to time constraints. As I’m in the midst of all things RCIA, and unable to follow up with either the priest or speaker, your name came to mind.  CCC 1416 Communion with the Body and Blood of Christ increases the communicant’s union with the Lord, forgives his venial …

Easter Vigil Question on 49 and 55

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul TurnerLeave a Comment

Q: I have an Easter Vigil question, on nos. 49 & 55. We have a father & son (sophomore in our school) receiving the Sacraments of Initiation. I know two people isn’t a large number but how can we do the renunciation/promises once or combine these 2 parts, to avoid quasi-redundancy? Can we do this? And if so how? I ask since the abbot & I have early Masses on Sunday, I’m mindful of the hour! Yes it’s the Easter Vigil, but…  And after the assembly is sprinkled, the Confirmation occurs, followed by the prayer of the faithful? I’ve reviewed the rubrics …

Baptisms in Lent

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul TurnerLeave a Comment

Q. Are infant baptisms allowed during Lent? A. Yes. Some parishes discourage them, but a child should be baptized within a few weeks after birth if possible. The only days we are not allowed to baptize are the weekdays of Holy Week.

Candles at Easter

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul TurnerLeave a Comment

Q. Candles are not supposed to be carried in the gospel procession for the Easter Vigil.  Does that apply to Easter Sunday and the Easter season as well? A. No. Candles in the gospel procession are never obligatory.  They are always optional, except on Palm Sunday and Good Friday when the Passion is read, and at the Easter Vigil when the paschal candle has been set into place.