Purifying the vessels at Catholic mass

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  I have been researching different rites of the church during the liturgy as described in the GIRM. I am interested in the purification of vessels after the distribution of communion currently. In the GIRM, it mentions that certain duties may be performed by a “duly instituted acolyte” as needed. However, I find very little information in GIRM or online as to what the heck this is. I’m also trying to make sense in my mind as to who is allowed to purify the vessels. At my old parish in a different Diocese, I seem to recall that on occasion …

Catholic funeral?

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  Can an unbaptized person have a Catholic funeral? A:  If that person is a catechumen, then yes. Otherwise, there’s no provision for it in canon law. See Canon 1183. However, the Order of Christian Funerals includes a prayer for the funeral of an unbaptized person married to a Catholic: 398 / 36. There must be some circumstance for its use because it was approved by the Vatican.

Catholic funeral mass

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  We create worship aids for funerals, and on the front we have put “Mass of Christian Burial.” Was that and is that the correct terminology? What if there has been cremation and the remains are not being buried right away. What do you call the mass? A:  The liturgical books call it “Funeral Mass” in all instances. I’m not sure where the expression “Mass of Christian Burial” originated, but it is not in the liturgical books. And as you point out, it does not always precede a burial. The term may have come about to distinguish this service from …

Saxophone at Mass

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  I saw a comment on PBS Newshour this evening stating “in 1903 Pope Pius X banned the saxophone from sacred music, the ban has never been lifted”.  What is considered sacred music and/or what would be the typical venue for sacred music? A:  Actually, I think it’s safe to say that the ban has been lifted. I admit I’m not a canonist, but here’s what GIRM 393 says, and this replaces previous legislation: “While the organ is to be accorded pride of place, other wind, stringed, or percussion instruments may be admitted into divine worship in the Dioceses of …

Blessing children during Communion

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  I have a question regarding blessing children and non-Catholics during Communion. Is this allowed? It has been a practice in Catholic parishes across the country for many years.  Searching the Internet, there are arguments for both – yes and no. Regarding “no,” some say: only a priest can give a blessing the focus needs to be God – not making everyone in the whole family feel good it is not in the rubrics and should not be added  Regarding “yes,” some say In recent years (for the past 100 years or so) since both parents are coming up, they …

Joachim and Ann

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  Where could we find the story of St. Anne and Joachim? A:  Joachim and Ann are in the Protoevangelium of James.  More info is in my collection of bulletin inserts and can be found here: http://paulturner.org/books/

Weekday Communion Service

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  I need to begin soon once a week a weekday Communion Service with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Where can I find the latest texts for this? A:  The book is called Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharist Outside Mass. http://www.catholicbookpublishing.com/products/118 As you’ll see, there is no communion service with exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. It’s either one or the other.

Baptism on a weekday

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  My Niece asked me to Baptize her newborn son. But due to their relatives coming in town with short time visiting, they would like to do it on a Friday.  I know in the canon law was recommend to have it done on Sunday.  Is it still OK to do it on the date per their request, Father? A:  Yes, Deacon, you may baptize on any day of the week. The Rite of Baptism for Children (9) suggests Easter Vigil or any Sunday, but it does not limit baptism to those days. 

Grail translations

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  In the recent editions of the GIA Hymnbooks, the psalms are the new Grail translations. Are these translations permitted for use at Mass? A:  Yes, the revised Grail is now approved for the US. Eventually it will find its way into all our liturgical books. A few psalms are already in the missal. More are in the Order of Celebrating Matrimony.  

Seasonal limitations

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  What sacrament celebrations can / cannot / should not take place during Advent and Lent.  Couldn’t find the exact information… Is the following accurate? SEASONAL LIMITATIONS: Advent: no Gloria, keep Alleluia; no Confirmations; Discourage baptisms, marriages and First Communions Lent: No Gloria, no Alleluia (substitute choice from # 223 in the Lectionary);  discourage baptisms, marriages; no Confirmations, no First Communions Can you help us? A:  The rule for the Gloria is in GIRM 53 – said on Sundays outside of Advent and Lent. The rule for no Alleluia during Lent is in GIRM 62b. Baptisms and confirmations may not be celebrated …