Q: Is it proper to have lay parishioners read portions of the Gospel Passion? If it is broken into a number of parts (not scripted as a play), should there be musical/choral interludes between the parts? A: The Passion is divided into parts in the Lectionary. It’s fine if lay parishioners read the parts designated for a reader or the crowd. As I mentioned in a previous post, there is no provision for breaking the Passion with musical/choral interludes. At the Vatican, on Palm Sunday, the choir sings the part of the crowd, which introduces music into the proclamation. But …
Oil of catechumens before the Easter Vigil
Q: Can I anoint with the oil of catechumens before the Easter Vigil? Like on Tuesday of Holy Week? A: In fact, in the United States, we are not supposed to anoint with the oil of catechumens at the Easter Vigil. The best time is before the Rite of Election. But if you haven’t anointed them yet, then Tuesday is as good a day as any. For details, see my book Celebrating Initiation: A Guide for Priests.
Breaking up the passion narrative
Q: At my parish, it has been a tradition for them to break up the Passion narrative and have musical interludes between the parts. I have allowed this practice but others say that such practice is not allowed. A: As far as I can tell, the custom was never formally allowed, but I do know of cases where it was practiced. I can even recall it happening in parishes where I served in the past. It helped people imagine the various scenes of the passion. It’s actually close to the way J. S. Bach presents his setting of the passion …
Signing documents on the altar
Q: Is the signing of documents, i.e. Marriage license and church marriage certificate, allowed on the altar? I understand that this practice is not allowed in Australia and Mexico. A: The second edition of the Order of Celebrating Matrimony now states clearly – multiple times – that the marriage record is not to be signed on the altar. Both Australia and Mexico have had the second edition ahead of us in the US. The rubric refers to the marriage record, which I believe means the parish marriage record, not the civil record. By extension, though, it would not be …
Sprinkling Rite for Easter
Q: For Easter Sunday, should the Sprinkling Rite take place after the Renewal of Baptismal Promises which is after the Homily in the place of the Creed? Or is it during the place of the Penitential Act before the Gloria? I always get confused, I know Sundays after Resurrection Sunday (Easter) the Sprinkling Rite takes place of the Penitential Act before the Gloria, but on Easter would the Sprinkling be after the Renewal of Baptismal Promises? Also, can we or do we sing the Lord, Have Mercy (Kyrie Eleison) on and throughout Easter? A: The renewal of baptismal promises is …
Petitions on Good Friday
Q: Can we add a petition to the Good Friday intercessions? A: The diocesan bishop may authorize an additional Good Friday petition for a grave public need. In the past, the priest himself could REDUCE the number of petitions, but that permission has been removed in the missal’s 3rd edition.
Reverence for the altar
Q: Is it a requirement that liturgical ministers, I.e. Lector, cantor, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion bow as they approach and leave the altar area? Since the tabernacle is not present in the worship space we are directed to bow when we enter and leave the space but I am not aware of additional directives regarding bowing. A: It’s found in the Ceremonial of Bishops 72. “A deep bow is made to the altar by all who enter the sanctuary (chancel), leave it, or pass before the altar”
Creed during the Easter Octave
Q. I’ve come across conflicting opinions as to the use of the Creed during weekday masses of the Easter Octave. Could you please clarify if the Creed is said (or sung)? A. I find this confusing too. I have written that the Creed should be included at daily mass during the Octave, but others have challenged me because it isn’t mentioned in the missal. I thought that all solemnities include the Creed, but I’ve been reminded that all solemnities include three readings, which the Easter Octave does not. So it seems that the Octave follows its own rules, and perhaps the …
Covering the crucifix
Q: Our Parish covers our crucifix and statues on the Friday before the 5th Sunday of Lent following the Mass celebrated after the Stations of the Cross. I was at another church for confession prior to the Vigil Mass of the 5th Sunday and their crucifix and statues were covered. Last year, we attended the Tuesday weekday Mass prior to Palm Sunday and no statues or crucifixes were covered. All three churches are in the same diocese. While searching for answers, I find conflicting responses from seemingly reputable websites on the practice and timing for covering statues and crucifixes and …
Anointing a sick priest
Q: I am your “student” by studying your liturgical books. I have read your liturgical books and learnt a lot of helpful things regarding on the liturgy of the Church. Today I have a question on administering the anointing of the sick for priests. My question is : why don’t we anoint on the priest’s palm as we do for lay people? Is there any theological point behind that? Or is there any history or tradition behind that? Please help me understand more about that. A: Thank you for your comments about my books. There are no longer any instructions …